JoinedPosts by Earnest
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
Edited to refer to slim's link. -
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
St George of England : ONS reported we have over 500,000 illegal immigrants here this year in the UK.
ONS reports that the 2021 census showed there were 545,000 "usual residents" in England & Wales who had an address outside the UK one year before the census. A "usual resident" is one who is not a temporary resident, like a student or visitor on a limited visa. As kramer points out, this is the total number of immigrants and is no indication of illegal immigration.
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
LUHE, asylum seekers must apply for protection in the country of destination—meaning they must arrive at or cross a border in order to apply. It is only when their application (and any appeals) are rejected that they become an illegal immigrant if they then remain in the country.
It would be possible for an illegal immigrant to seek asylum, but they would have to prove to the authorities that they meet the criteria to be covered by refugee protections. This could happen, for example, if the government in the country of origin changed while the immigrant was legally here and he would now face persecution if he returned.
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
Accoding to Asylum in Europe
In 2021 France provided asylum to 33,875 (out of 120,685 applications considered). No applications outstanding.
In 2021 UK provided asylum to 12,835 (out of 56,495 applications considered). 100,564 applications outstanding.
The Government statistics website showed the UK offered protection, in the form of asylum, humanitarian protection, alternative forms of leave and resettlement, to 13,210 people (including dependants) in the year ending September 2021.
Note to LUHE : An asylum seeker is not, by definition, an illegal immigrant.
Will 2022 Service Year Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide include Data on Miscarriages and Reports of Menstrual Hemorrhages?
by was a new boy inwas watchtower given $$$ for their pro vaccine stance?
and how much?.
shocking vaers data reveals 4070% increase in miscarriages — naomi wolf interview - graph at 6:10. https://rumble.com/v21t1em-shocking-vaers-data-reveals-4070-increase-in-miscarriages-naomi-wolf-interv.html?mref=9qiox&mrefc=2.
The report on a 4070% increase in miscarriages comes from Gateway Pundit. Gateway Pundit obtained this information from the OpenVAERS website which is a project developed by "a small team of people with vaccine injuries or who have children with vaccine injuries". OpenVAERS is built from data available on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website. While I have no reason to doubt the OpenVAERS data, anyone interested should go to the source as reports derived are based on the variables submitted.
Myth of 1914
by peacefulpete inthe wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
TD : The Proclaimers book says the change was made in 1944 for some strange reason.
The Proclaimers book says (pp. 632, 633) :
Later on, during the years from 1935 through 1944, a review of the overall framework of Bible chronology revealed that a poor translation of Acts 13:19,20 in the King James Version, along with certain other factors, had thrown off the chronology by over a century. [Footnote] This later led to the idea - sometimes stated as a possibility, sometimes more firmly - that since the seventh millennium of human history would begin in 1975, events associated with the beginning of Christ's Millennial Reign might start to take place then.
[Footnote] See "The Truth Shall Make You Free," [1943,] chapter XI; "The Kingdom Is at Hand," [1944,] pages 171-5; also The Golden Age, March 27, 1935, pages 391, 412. In the light of these corrected tables of Blble chronology, it could be seen that previous use of the dates 1873 and 1878, as well as related dates derived from these on the basis of parallels with first-century events, were based on misunderstandings.
The significance of 1944 was the footnote on p.171 of The Kingdom is at Hand :
IMPORTANT: In the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free", published in 1943, the chronology on pages 150,151 concerning the kings of Jerusalem, from Solomon's successor to Zedekiah, is based on the book of 2 Chronicles, chapters 12 to 36. This appears to show the reigns of those kings as successive, end to end. Actually, however, this was not so, as is plainly shown in the books of 1 and 2 Kings, which books give us a countercheck on the successors of Solomon by a comparison of these kings of Judah with the neighbor kings of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. The chronological TABLE OF CONTEMPORARY KINGS AND PROPHETS AND RELATED EVENTS, on the next four pages, shows how the books of 1 and 2 Kings give a more accurate check on the reigns of the kings of Judah than does 2 Chronicles.
Measured by 2 Chronicles, the period of kings from Saul to Zedekiah was 513 years . Measured by the more precise and detailed books of Kings, the period was actually 511 years, or 2 years less . This fact affects the chronology as a whole and pulls man's creation 2 years closer to A .D. 1 and gives it the date 4026 B.C., not 4028 B.C.
The following chronology shows the date of Jerusalem's destruction as in the year 607 before Christ. This recognizes the fact that the ancient reckoning of the vulgar year began in the fall. In other words, the vulgar year 606 B.C. really began in the fall of 607 B.C. As stated on page 239 (para. 1) of "The Truth Shall Make You Free": ''Inasmuch as the count of the Gentile 'seven times' began its first year at the fall of 607 B.C., it is simple to calculate when they end. From the fall of 607 B.C. to the fall of B.C. 1 is exactly 606 years. . . Hence from the fall of B.C. 1 to the fall of A.D. 1914 is 1,914 years." -
Myth of 1914
by peacefulpete inthe wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
peacefulpete : Can anyone show the argument for adding 30 years to 1844 and then the 40 years to 1874? I recall it being a typology eisegesis on 30 years of Jesus, 40 years in the wilderness.
A diagram in The Time is at Hand (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. II), p.247 alludes to these parallels.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Apostates
by tfjw injehovah's witnesses basically define the term "apostate" as someone who was once a member of the "organization" (a jehovah's witness) but no longer follows the teachings, rules, regulations and practices.
the society gives their official definition in the following manner: "apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of god, actually a rebellion against jehovah god.
some apostates profess to know and serve god but reject teachings or requirements set out in his word.
Early Hominem. Neanderthals. Evolution.
by solameguy12 inso i grew up as a witness but i’m no longer active, i have some family that still practices very seriously.
but i don’t want to ask them my question.
but what does the bible and teaching’s of jw’s say about early hominids?
truth_b_known, interesting video although I don't quite understand why he thinks homo naledi must have caused the soot in the cave. Could it not have been later? I await with interest the dating of the soot and a peer-reviewed article on the find.
You can see Lee Berger's announcement of this find here and read other articles about it here and here.
Those who have a religion in decline in England and Wales !
by Phizzy inhttps://www.thenewselephant.co.uk/oh-shit-theyre-finally.... "oh shit, they're finally seeing through our bollocks!
" say church leaders after england and wales revealed to be minority christian countries.
good !.
The current news is that "Paranoid racist halfwits devastated as Census reveals only 6.5 percent of British are Muslim".