aqwsed : it was this "Angel of the Lord" who delivered the Israelites from Egypt, led and protected them in the wilderness, gave them the law on Mount Sinai;
Your lengthy justification for the removal of God's name is interesting, but in the context of Jude vs 5 you seem to maintain that the manuscript support for "Jesus" is warranted as it was the "angel of the Lord" who delivered the Israelites from Egypt, and you identify that angel with the preincarnate "Jesus". Jehovah's Witnesses agree with much of what you say regarding the role Jesus played as the "angel of Jehovah (YHWH)" in his dealings with the patriarchs and the nation of Israel, and this is additional reason (not to digress) they accept the identification of him with the archangel Michael.
But you do not address the very obvious anomaly that the name "Jesus" is used in this context, where we are referring to a time when the only person with the name "Jesus" was Joshua (the Hebrew form of the Greek 'Jesus'), and the verse apparently does not refer to him. There is nowhere in scripture to suggest that the "angel of Jehovah" was known by the name 'Jesus' prior to his earthly existence. Which is why the UBS Committee was of the opinion that the reading ("Jesus") in this verse was difficult to the point of impossibility. How much more likely it is that God's name was used in some form and was subsequently replaced by whatever the copyists of various manuscripts could find to fit.