aqwsed : And there is no difference in the fact that according to [the Watchtower] Jesus led the Jews out of Egypt, so they can have no problem with any of the readings of Jude 5.
Perhaps I was not clear in the point I have been making since you raised the matter of the "new reading" in NA28 of the name "Jesus" in Jude vs 5 here.
It is irrelevant whether or not the Watchtower has a problem with the reading of Jude 5. It is relevant that prior to NA28, the majority of the UBS Committee held that the use of "Jesus" in this verse was "difficult to the point of impossibility" even though it was supported by a number of manuscripts.
In the field of textual criticism, biblical scholars weigh up the textual variation in available manuscripts and try to determine what original text most likely explains the variation that followed. In Jude vs 5 there is a wealth of variation as follows :
- παντα απαξ γαρ Ιησους — 1739mg
- απαξ παντα οτι Ιησους — A B 33 81 2344 itdem,div vgmss (eth) Jerome
- απαξ παντα οτι κυριος — Ephraem
- απαξ τουτο οτι ο θεος — 5 623mg
- απαξ παντα οτι ο θεος — Cc 623 2805 vgms (slav)
- απαξ παντας οτι θεος Χριστος — 𝔓72*
- απαξ παντα οτι θεος Χριστος — 𝔓72c
- παντα οτι κυριος απαξ — א Ψ
- παντα οτι ο κυριος απαξ — C* 307 326 431 436 453 630 808 1505 1611 2138 2200 2412 2495 syrh
- παντα οτι ο θεος — Lucifer
- παντα οτι ο θεος απαξ — 442 621 1243 1845 1846 2492 𝑙596 itp vgmss syrph arm geo Clementvid
- παντα οτι Ιησους — Cyril
- παντα οτι Ιησους απαξ — 6 93 322 323 665 1241 1501 1739 1881 2298 itar,c cop Origenper 1739
- παντα οτι ο Ιησους απαξ — 88 915
- απαξ οτι ο κυριος — 1409
- απαξ τουτο οτι ο κυριος — L 049 18 35 61 104 181 254 307 326 330 431 436 451 453 629 808 (909) 945 1067 1175 1292 1678 1836 1837 1844 (1875) 1877 2127 2374 𝔐 Lectpt Ps-Oecumenius Theophylact
- απαξ τουτο οτι Χριστος Ιησους — 1735 𝑙591
- τουτο απαξ οτι ο κυριος — K 056 𝑙593
- απαξ τουτο υμας οτι ο κυριος — 0142
- As this thread is about "Jehovah in the NT" I pointed out that the textual confusion could have occurred because Jude originally used God's name in some form and subsequent copyists chose to replace it with an alternative. This is not suggesting any "conspiracy" which you go on about, but simple human nature who (in a possible scenario) come across the Hebrew tetragrammaton or the Greek PIPI (which Jerome mentions [Letter 25 to Marcella]) in the text and replaces it with something which makes more sense to them. If you think this scenario is unlikely, I am asking for thoughts on a more plausible text which would explain the variation that followed.