Sea Breeze, you wrote:
The Nazareth Inscription is almost certainly authentic ... It was also almost certainly issued by the Emperor Claudius and most likely in 41 AD ... It is nearly certain that it was King Herod Agrippa I who wrote the letter of inquiry to the Emperor Claudius ... It is also nearly certain that it was in response to Agrippa’s letter of inquiry that Claudius wrote an imperial rescript ... It is also nearly certain that it was King Herod Agrippa I who...had the Nazareth Inscription posted in Nazareth ... Claudius almost certainly turned to his friend Agrippa I for advice and information ... it seems nearly certain that it was at this same time that Agrippa I wrote his letter of inquiry to Claudius, and Claudius consequently wrote his rescript letter ... it was almost certainly [Agrippa] who selected Nazareth as the site for the posting of the Nazareth Inscription.
That's almost certain then. Except other scholars have concluded otherwise. It was dated to :
30 – 28 B.C.E.
Hieronymus Markowski, «De Caesaris graeco titulopalaestino», Posnan 1936,128-137.Augustus
- · Franz Cumont, Un rescript impérial sur la violation de sépulture, Revue Historique 163 (1930) 241-266.
- · Giuseppe Corradi, Un nuovo documento Augusteo Mondo Classico 1 (1931) 56-65.
- · Raphael Tonneau, L ' inscription de Nazareth sur la violation de sépultures, Revue Biblique 40 (1931) 544-563.
- · Jacques Zeiller, L'inscription dite de Nazareth, RecSR 21 (1931) 570-576.
- · Salvatore Riccobono, Fontes iuris Romani antejustiniani. Pars prima: Leges, Florence 1941, 414-416.
- · B. Agouridis, Τυμβωρυχία έν Παλαιστίνη επί Αυγούστου, Θεολογία 23 (1953) 122-131.
- · Edouard Cuq, Le rescrit d' Auguste sur les violations de sépulture, Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger IVe sér., 11 (1932) 109-125
- · Leon Herrmann, Chrestos; témoignages païens et juifs sur le christianisme du premier siècle (Collection Latomus CIX), Brussels 1970, 12-15.
- · Gaetano de Sanctis, Il rescritto imperiale di Nazareth, RPAA 7 (1931) 13-17
- · Stephan Losch, Diatagma Kaisaros.Die Inschrift von Nazareth und das Neue Testament. Eine Untersuchung zur neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte, Freiburg 1936.
Margherita Guarducci, L' inscrizione di Nazareth sulla violazione dei sepolcri, RPAA, 17 (1941/42) 85-88.
Marta Sordi, L'Edit de Nazareth et la politique de Néron a l'égard des chrétiens, ZPE 120 (1998) 279-291
Vespasian or Titus
V. Capocci, Per la data del rescritto imperiale sulla violazione di sepolcro recentemente publicato, BIDR 38 (1930) 215-223.
Frank E. Brown, Violation of Sepulture in Palestine, American Journal of Philology 52 (1931) 1-29.
Septimius Severus
John Sylvester Creaghan, Violatio sepulchri. An Epigraphical Study, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Princeton Univ. 1951.