I just got off the phone with one of my sisters who is a dub. Not an uber one, but definitely entrenched. I got tricky with her--I brought up the topic of the breaking news by saying it brought up a lot of crap from our respective experiences with how the eldubs handled our abuse case (her father was an eldub and basically given a pass on my case since there were not 2 witnesses and he went on to abuse my two sisters and who knows how many other girls). I was able to do some subtle TTAT in the guise of having to off-load my emotional "trauma" and while she flipped into apologist mode I could tell I rattled her cage a bit.
I have to admit, all the current news about these cases does dredge some things up for me, but not to the extent I led my sister to believe. I just wanted to reach the authentic sister and make her think if only for a moment how bad things were for us and how her daughters could be in danger with the policies that are in place within the congregations.