Junction-Guy--hey kudos to you for realizing that you need some therapy. It really does help for the broken marriage & any cultish ideas that still haunt you. Yes, definitely concentrate on getting yourself together first...you will have so much more to offer someone once you are ready to take that chance. A good therapist will walk you through that process too and help you pick someone more suited to you.
Lisavegas420--any dating "now" stories? sounds like you had some very typical dating "then" stories. The ruptured appendix story is a classic! Very funny even if that was not your intention.
Hmm..your shout out to Steve S makes me wonder....I had a Sandy S in my past...from NC. He was all that and a bag of chips...he was with someone the last time I saw him (2004) at a DA. Well, anyway...sometimes it is just best to have some beautiful memories I guess, but Sandy S if you read this...your green-eyed girl wouldn't mind talking to you.