I love Smashbox Photo Finish. This is a foundation primer and it makes my skin so silky and the L'oreal version of bare minerals just wears so much better when I use it.
JoinedPosts by FreeGirl2006
Girl Fluff....your favorite makeup?
by restrangled inthere is so much available at every price point.
what have you discovered is right for you?.
just recentley i discoverd loreal's bare naturals, minerals.
Life and times of Metaspy
by metaspy ini am going to tell my story, it will probably be the dumbest thing to do.. especially since i am trying to fade.
however, recently i have decided that i need to get.
the ball rolling a little faster.
Metaspy--thanks for sharing your heartbreaking tale. It is a trite saying, but time does have a way of healing all wounds. Have you dated anyone? Dating just one person has a way of putting blinders on us....get to know a variety of women to give you a good measuring stick. I agree with earlier comments that Zelda sounds like she needs some professional help...with your issues...you don't need that right now.
DF and heartbroken
by cassyrene inlet me begin by saying that i never expected to even talk about my situation let alone discuss it on the internet but i guess im just feeling so sad that i must hope that someone will understand and give me encouragement...so here it goes.. .
but the more active i got, the more abusive my stepmother became.
ironically, he sent my stepmother to the wedding.
You are amongst friends and fellow survivors of the "loving" shun policy. You will find much comfort and compassion here!
Congrats on the wonderful milestones in your life....keep moving forward.
Freegirl -
Dating Service
by barj inhas anyone had success with singlesnet.com?
i am curious newly ousted jw whose interested in getting back in the dating world.
i was not raised as a jw, so i have some experience.
I don't think I would date an ex-dub because I would worry about them deciding to go back to dubland. Not that it is an issue, because I never meet any ex-dubs except here on JWD.
I use Yahoo personals, plentyoffish, okcupid & match.com. Great success in meeting men this way. It is true that the under 30 set of men are looking for sex with older woman, but I ignore them. I am speaking to two very nice guys right now that seem to have it going on! -
Do You Recognize Your Baptism?
by sweetstuff ini was promised that this generation would no means pass away.
(live forever book, pg.
154) i brought this up, although it has probably been discussed before, because i am sure some people right now are worrying how to handle an elder's visit or call.
Sweetstuff--I never gave this any thought until I read your post. I like your logic on the matter. I was baptized at age 14. Frankly, it never occurred to me that one day that decision made with little thought would cause my family to desert me. It really is ironic in my family that they speak and associate with our big brother (whom I love and adore) and refuse to even answer an email from me. He does drugs, openly "immoral" according to borg definition and swears like a sailor. He grew up with the truth, but luckily he broke from it when he was 18 without making the mistake of baptism. It cracks both of us up that I have been kicked to the curb and they still have him over for dinner. He has told them he thinks they are being completely ridiculous.
Sweetface--that is very funny! We should get together sometime..we are about 4 hours from each other.
Freegirl -
Blondie needs encouragement
by blondie ini have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.
Blondie, so sorry. If we lived close by I would visit you often. You provide such encouragement on this board and I hope that we can return the favor.
Freegirl -
Describe the Perfect Woman or Man....
by Dragonlady76 inok after the serena williams thread and a few others that focus on looks i want to know what your idea of perfection in the opposite or same sex is.. i like muscular men with a full head of hair, i love classic features like a strong nose and jaw.. i also find blond blue eyed men sexy (don't ask me why).
i don't like that are to thin, nice teeth and soft eyes.. ok now it's your turn.. .
Dark hair and dark eyes will always win hands down next to a blue eyed blond.
Excellent sense of humor
Can carry a conversation
Loves to dance
Great in bed
excellent sense of style -
Online Dating
by FreeGirl2006 in*sigh* i was seeing someone for several months, but it is not working out.
so i went back to my only way of meeting men thus far--online dating sites.
i have had some really cool experiences, but i think i am getting burnt out....if i read one more email from a guy that reads "u r booteful and i wud luv to chat with u and then maybe we go out and eat" (or my personal favorite today--"you are eye-popping"--i am busty and the current picture reveals that little fact) i think i will puke!
Sweetstuff--we should double date sometime--I bet we would have a lot to laugh about.
Collegegirl21-yup, had a few of those lines myself today. *barf*
Bigdreaux--the online ads are full of ironies. My personal favorites are the big fat men looking for the trophy girlfriend--skinny & gorgeous!
RF--What is your most successful line with a woman? -
Online Dating
by FreeGirl2006 in*sigh* i was seeing someone for several months, but it is not working out.
so i went back to my only way of meeting men thus far--online dating sites.
i have had some really cool experiences, but i think i am getting burnt out....if i read one more email from a guy that reads "u r booteful and i wud luv to chat with u and then maybe we go out and eat" (or my personal favorite today--"you are eye-popping"--i am busty and the current picture reveals that little fact) i think i will puke!
Purza--The majority of my dates from online have been very nice. Keep encouraging your friend. I just go into each date with the attitude that I am there to have fun & meet people. I never expect Mr. Gorgeous Sweep Me Off My Feet (although, I am perfectly willing to meet him).
Tnangel73--I loathe the men's ads that start off "I am so lonely...." I am like--get out there, go to a ball game, chat up people at the bookstore. I am with you, I am very busy, no time to be lonely, but would like male company on occasion. These guys scream LOSER and you are right, they want you to have no life that does not involve them. The other guys to look out for are the ones that see that I am a business woman and they want a sugar-mama! Give me a break! I work my a*s off and these bozos think I am going to let them mooch off of me????
Keep'em coming ladies--I don't feel so alone now. -
What Things Would You Not Have Done As A JW That You Would Do Now?
by minimus inas witnesses, we were very concerned that we might offend somebody's conscience and our actions reflected that.
if someone might've been "stumbled" by our actions or speech, we would make sure we would do everything possible to not upset another fellow brother or sister.. i would not have gone to an "r" rated movie.
now, i go to any rated or unrated movie because i don't give a sh*t what smeone might feel over my choice.. what things are you free to do without worrying that someone might be disturbed over it?
Show off the "twins"
Went to a male strip joint in New Orleans
Attend school guilt free
Have dates with interesting men (most of the time)
Love those sex shops!