Even when they do show up it is rarely encouraging. My marriage was in the trash can right from the get-go so I asked for a "shepharding" call. What we got was a visit where I was told all the marital trouble was my fault because I went to work full-time (I had moved to another state when I married so I took a month off before finding a job to get settled in with first time marriage and being a full-time step mom). Now when this call came, I was the sole breadwinner for the family as the hubby had been laid off. I asked if they were going to pay the bills and support us. Guess I didn't win any friends with the eldubs that day.
Fast forward a year or two. We moved back to my state and home congregation. I asked repeatedly for a "shepherding" call. We got one about 5 years later when I told the hubby I was leaving if something didn't change in the marriage. One of the many issues was the lack of sex. Hubs brought the eldubs to the house to discuss my lack of scriptural grounds for leaving. I brought up the issue of no sex (hubs thought I would be too embarrassed to do so) and we were told that we just needed to go on a long weekend without the kids. No scriptures read, no empathy, no asking the obvious question of why he was not wanting sex (answer: he was too exhausted from his girlfriend(s) ), and I was told that it was my fault for not being a better JW. I got up from the table and said I was through with the encouragement and left the room. With love, kindness, compassion & advice like that who needs marriage counseling?
I am sure many people can thank eldubs like that for our exodus from the cult.