When I was in the dating pool, over 6 years ago, I would agree to meet for coffee or a drink for a first date and I went with the intention of paying for whatever I ordered. If the man offered to pay, I certainly let him. I only went to dinner if we had an enjoyable time at the coffee date. If the man asked me to dinner, I assumed he would pay for it (although, again I was willing to pay for my own dinner if I got the indication the man thought he was paying ahead for sex). Flowers on a first date was a bit much for me as an adult...maybe because the dubby boys never bothered with such things when I was a teen in dub-world.
In response to DJS--when my current boyfriend and I started to date (and we continue to do this) we alternated who paid for dates. I don't mind paying as I am a modern woman, and good or bad, I make more money than he does. I walk to the beat of my own drum and the dating tropes that exist are so tiresome. I do enjoy when a man holds open the door or opens the car door for me. I find courtesy men sexy. I have girlfriends who have a list of rules for whomever they will date--always pay for the dates, flowers & candy, have to drive a certain car, etc (and a string of men who line up to be their obedient love slaves). To each his own.