to Kim, a true champion
and Happy Birthday too
thanks for those pics Leo.
today is kim clijsters' birthday and a month ago she announced her retirement from tennis.
i remember the week she was born very well.
i have watched tennis since the late '70s, and i remember when billie jean king was a star, when jimmy connors was a hot new thing, and when "virginia slims" matches were shown on wtbs.
to Kim, a true champion
and Happy Birthday too
thanks for those pics Leo.
my oldest daughter is a handful.
she has a mouth that just doesn't seem to stop and today we got into it .....again.. well, after a bunch of crap coming out of her mouth, i smacked her on the arm and told her to quit the talking to me that way.. then, it got worse when she kicked me.
geez, how would you have dealt with this kind of thing.. i told her i'm going to send her to a camp this summer where they put her on a giant kite (parasailing) and make her fly off a cliff.
Unfortunately, and I would mention this to any parents who think smacking is a good thing, - not only does it teach violence is a healthy response to a child, it also teaches that violence is an act of love and can lead your precious daughters to choose to be with violent partners.
very true crumpet.
As adults we don't lash out when people upset us or insult us, although we may feel like doing so - reason and self control comes to our rescue - why not when we are dealing with children?
bernadette of the has spanked her children when they were growing up class.
thank you for your help in my time of need.
i woke up thinking of a childhood television program - "father knows best.
" in the episode most memorable to me, the youngest child, kitten (kathy) was sitting on a park bench next to an old man, chirping away in her usual chatty, happy way.
At a train station with my heavy bicycle I was confronted with 50 ascending stairs - a very kind gentleman in a city suit carried my bike all the way to the top. So kind.
unlimited money at your disposal for the 24 hr period, the ability to fly at warp speed and entry to any place in the world without question.
how would you spend your last 24 hours?.
I'd cancel the debt of the world and get everyone to join me in a worldwide party -
At least my name would live on after me
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
Kid A
This description can be applied to ALL modern day christian organizations, in one way or another. The Catholic church, The Mormons, etc etc. By this logic, there are no "christian" religions anywhere on the planet.
In one way or another
but my comment imo applies in more ways than one
Child labour? Are their underage children working in Brooklyn? There are obviously kids in the field service but this hardly classifies as "child labour" any more than forcing a child to participate in religious services in any other christian church.
The wts:
trains children to distribute their literature
they teach children to focus on a career with the wbts
children are encouraged to spend whatever free time they have in the ministry
I know I am stretching the point a little but I think you are taking my commets somewhat literally.
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
smellsgood: Ahhhh, don't worry about it darling, you must have a really tender heart if the very mild things you said bothered you! That's sweet! Besides, what's life without a little debate now and then hmmm? I say what a privilege to put ideas out there you really believe and give them the once over eh? If I never offend anybody in my life, not you, but just in the politically don't scratch my skin climate we are in, at the end, I will have accomplished nothing because I stood for nothing. ((((bernadette))))seriously, don't worry about it. I admit I rather like debating....I debated some hardcore lifer JW's online for a year or I've cut my teeth really. :) Not of course comparing you to them at all. I did get a kick out of tearing apart their illogic, but they didn't come around sadly.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I didn't make myself clear - what bothered me was that I was actually defending the wts and being disloyal to some of the christians on here.But I'm glad you raised the topic as it brought home to me that many of us were JWs because we thought we were following Jesus Christ and it was our love for him that kept us in.
smellsgood: Is your daughter a JW? I really don't see it as being scripturally justified. It's just a further indoctrination tool for a very tender and impressionable youth. I don't think Peter was an adolescent, and it doesn't appear in the course of history that there has been at any time a childpreaching army. They are vulnerable, and what they are taught, they take to heart. I'm pretty sure that the apostles for example had children. There is no mention of them traipsing around Israel hut to hut to preach. There is no cause for it, and the householders no doubt look at a child in that situation as being put upon and coerced as it were, which they are in fact. I think children need to be nurtured, not tortured. :)
My daughter is fading too - we often discuss topics on here.
the WTS uses the example the young Isrealite girl who 'witnessed to Naaman' to encourage children to engage in the ministry.
Yes children definitely are coerced and put upon to share in the door to door work. I'm sure householders feel very sorry for the youngsters but witnesses use the presence of children to engage the householders attention.
very sad
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
smellsgood: I'm not asking as from the point of qualifying it as Christian or not. Those are things that just prove its a lying deceiving false entity.
I'm just curious if your reasons go BEYOND that they load a persona with too much work, and if any of the things I mentioned had anything to do with you leaving the WT?
I got a bit carried away debating with you and it bothered me all day.
Personally the wts doesn't practice the spirit of Christ cos imo the FDS are focused on their own survival and importance. They say they rely on holy spirit but in reality they draw their strength from slaving the down trodden, from engaging the service and burdening down people who are already sighing and groaning under the weight of living and from child labour and they show no mercy or compassion
Was talking to my daughter the other day and was wondering how they scripturally justify sending children out in the ministry to bring in new recruits. Any ideas smellsgodd?
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
Devastating logic bernadette!
thank you nvrgnbk. (whew - just wiping the sweat from my brow - think I'll bow out gracefully now and maybe follow gumby's example get myself some prozac or something)
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
I will answer your question, yes Jesus did say that, but for some reasons the JW's seemed to de-emphasize that particular verse. I dont even remember reading that verse growing up, but maybe if I had I would have left much earlier.
I guess the question is--- Is the JW cult for or against Jesus?
2 of the gospels say something like 'if you are not against me then you are for me' but one gospel writers 'if you are not for me then you are against me'. So it seems to me that the gospels are unclear in that respect, therefore then can we say categorically that a religion isn't christian if they themselves are saying that they are?
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
Were you bothered at all by their history? Their failed prophecies? Their lies? Their Child abuse policy? The affilliation with the U.N.?
What has that got to do with whether or not the WTS is christian? Has that ever had anything to do with qualifying or disqualifying a religion from being christian?