We have all seen something there. Most of us can agree that its the text that brainwashed us, not the art work. Yet, why is it there?
1. Satan, the father of the lie, created and is behind the Jehovah's Witness religion. The genius brainwashing techniques are not necessarily man's doing but Satan's work. The religion is obviously hiding who Jesus is, therefore it can be considered anti-christ. Now, the art work, perhaps it could be affecting a member subliminaly, ie., nightmares, supernatural occurences, etc. or could Satan be having fun, laughing at those he has duped. Could this be ego coming forward to show what he can get away with? In other words, he can push things and mock so far and the sheeple will still believe the LIE.
2. Charles Taze and his underlings created the Jehovah's Witness religion and applied their own intellect and knowledge of brainwashing techniques to indoctrinate members. Fast foward to the literature artwork:
a. The artists are bored and having fun purposely putting in extra images for their own enjoyment.
b. The artists aren't intentionally putting in the extra images, but the extra images just happen to accidentally show up.
What else?
I'm just trying to come up with different hypothesis as to why they are there.