Personally, I think it's crap that they don't want up to bring up anything, no matter how old. Remember, these words are supposed to be inspired by god so he can't be wrong. Plus, they do go back and quote older literature when it suits them. This was one of those "red flags" that I noticed at a relatively young age.
JoinedPosts by nonamegiven
A question for Jehovah's Witnesses. Please answer.
by rassillon ini am still in good standing so you must be truthful with me no spiritual warfare with me.. it is almost an automatic response that it is not fair to bring up old literature and old teachings when questioning the wt authority and stand.. i present that since the wt still uses references to early years and bases their authority and choseness on events that happend in those early years and the justification is the differences in what they taught and what nominal christianity taught.
based on these facts and the fact that if you disprove their claims to be chosen at that time they have no basis for authority or claiming a chosen status.. do you still agree that it is not fair to discuss this old literature?.
if you answer yes, when were they chosen by god and what proof do you have for that.
When you left......
by nonamegiven inwhat was your first indulgence?
mine is watching all those r-rated movies i missed out on.
man, i'm loving it!
seatrout, I'm not clear on what happened and what you want to know. You can PM me or post here, I'd be glad to help.
When you left......
by nonamegiven inwhat was your first indulgence?
mine is watching all those r-rated movies i missed out on.
man, i'm loving it!
What was your first indulgence? Mine is watching all those R-rated movies I missed out on. Man, I'm loving it! Oh that and doing something PRODUCTIVE on Saturday mornings.
Just a light hearted thought.
Calling all elders and former elders (need advice)
by nonamegiven inwow, i'm asking elders for advice, how strange.
anyway if you want to know my history and where i am look at my first 1/2 dozen or so posts, it'll bring you up to speed.
here's where i need advice.
Lemme ask you all this. I travel quite a bit for work, the elders know this. How do you think this will effect my situation? I fully expected to be DF'd for a year, do you really think I should start sending in letters now?
UN Scandal
by nonamegiven ini would love some info on the un scandal of a few years back.
when it all happened i was still a lemming and did hear about it but quickly dismissed it bacuase those apostates will make up anything ;).
anyway, any info would be good but what i'd really like is proof of what the un needed for membership.
Thanks, I'll check that out.
Calling all elders and former elders (need advice)
by nonamegiven inwow, i'm asking elders for advice, how strange.
anyway if you want to know my history and where i am look at my first 1/2 dozen or so posts, it'll bring you up to speed.
here's where i need advice.
Wow, I'm asking Elders for advice, how strange. Anyway if you want to know my history and where I am look at my first 1/2 dozen or so posts, it'll bring you up to speed.
Here's where I need advice. My plan is to be reinstated within the next year or less but after that I just want to fade away. It won't be as simple as being reinstated then just fading since my wife and kids will be going and my wife is very devout. I know they will be calling on me to encourage me. I don't want to tell them I don't believe 90+% of what I've learned in the last 30 some-odd years because then I'll be an apostate and will loose contact with my family again, that's what I am trying very hard to preserve. Anyway, my question is this: how do I fade away? Do I claim depression (I do have depression and they know that), do I tell them I don't agree with DF'ing and it has stumbled me and maybe I'll return later (yeah right) or do I fake an alian abduction and tell them I have an anal probe that will explode if I go into a place of worship that doesn't have any windows?
UN Scandal
by nonamegiven ini would love some info on the un scandal of a few years back.
when it all happened i was still a lemming and did hear about it but quickly dismissed it bacuase those apostates will make up anything ;).
anyway, any info would be good but what i'd really like is proof of what the un needed for membership.
Hello all. I would love some info on the UN scandal of a few years back. When it all happened I was still a lemming and did hear about it but quickly dismissed it bacuase those apostates will make up anything ;)
Anyway, any info would be good but what I'd really like is proof of what the UN needed for membership. This is mostly for ammo in the future so I'd like as accurate and official info as possible.
Thanks all.
Are they idiots??
by nonamegiven inon my years as a jw i have always had doubts.
i have dismissed these as me being overly critical or some such nonsense.
now i'm on my way out the door, well i"m out the door i'm just working on shutting it right now.
Jeff, reading your post really pissed me off! I think you hit it right on the head. I look back at the last 34 years and see exactly what you are saying. What really ticks me off is knowing that my wife is hooked and my kids are young and it'll be a struggle to keep them free.
Are they idiots??
by nonamegiven inon my years as a jw i have always had doubts.
i have dismissed these as me being overly critical or some such nonsense.
now i'm on my way out the door, well i"m out the door i'm just working on shutting it right now.
On my years as a JW I have always had doubts. I have dismissed these as me being overly critical or some such nonsense. Now I'm on my way out the door, well I"m out the door I'm just working on shutting it right now. Anyway, what about these brothers and sisters that have been in the "truth" for decades? do they have these doubts as well? How do they dismiss these and keep on going for decades? If they don't have these doubts, are they just stupid?
I'm serious, I know many brothers that are very intelligent, much more so than I but why can't they see any of the issues all of us here are so familiar with?
A few weekends ago I went to a circuit assembly. Well, I just went to one day. I told my wife I could not possibly take both days of it. But it is funny how you look at things now. Before I would hear something and it would kinda prick my mind and I'd dismiss it like a good JW. Now I put it in my mental file of things to fully research to get a true understanding.