Can someone enlighten me to the dangers of having 'friends' you don't know?
Posts by IMHO
Social Networking - Dangers
by IMHO incan someone enlighten me to the dangers of having 'friends' you don't know?.
House MD - Parole v Reinstatement
by IMHO ingoing back to the start of the current season of house md.. did anyone notice the similarity?.
Must be me, but then you have to go through it to understand it.
House MD - Parole v Reinstatement
by IMHO ingoing back to the start of the current season of house md.. did anyone notice the similarity?.
Going back to the start of the current season of House MD.
Did anyone notice the similarity?
Even More Calendars Predict End in 2012
by IMHO innb: not my words.
with all the hype about the ancient mayan calendar suggesting the demise of human civilization taking place in 2012, an american author wants everyone to know that other calendars predict the same outcome, and he claims a demonic plot bringing about the end date could be hiding in plain sight inside the u.s. capitol and your wallet right now.
tom horn, a bible-believing christian and author of "apollyon rising 2012," says he never actually had an interest in the mayan calendar, which comes to a cyclical end on dec. 21, 2012. but then he became aware of numerous unrelated calendars and prophecies spanning many centuries, all predicting the end of the current human age at next year's winter solstice.
NB: Not my words
With all the hype about the ancient Mayan calendar suggesting the demise of human civilization taking place in 2012, an American author wants everyone to know that other calendars predict the same outcome, and he claims a demonic plot bringing about the end date could be hiding in plain sight inside the U.S. Capitol and your wallet right now.
Tom Horn, a Bible-believing Christian and author of "Apollyon Rising 2012," says he never actually had an interest in the Mayan calendar, which comes to a cyclical end on Dec. 21, 2012. But then he became aware of numerous unrelated calendars and prophecies spanning many centuries, all predicting the end of the current human age at next year's winter solstice.
"I started finding that it wasn't just the Maya," Horn told WND, noting prognostications from Jewish mystics, as well as the ancient Chinese, Hindus, Cherokee Indians, and even artwork among famous American symbols that all point to the same time frame.
Despite not having telescopes, the Mayan people of Central America were extremely accurate observers of celestial movements, with the zenith of their civilization occurring between A.D. 250 and 900.
"The Maya understood this procession of the equinox, basically not to end, but to roll over, to start over," in December 2012, Horn explained.
He says their prophets coupled that date "with prophecies of unrest on Earth after which a new form of man appears on Earth, plus the return of their dragon god, a flying serpent who has the power of air."
"The Aztec saw the same thing, a flying serpent, Quetzalcoatl," Horn said, adding, "their calendar ends in 2012."
He says the Kali Yuga calendar of the Hindus forecasts global changes around 2012, and China's "Book of Changes," also known as the "I-Ching," predicts the end for the same year.
A timeline graph created in 1973 based on China's Book of Changes, or I-Ching, shows the line plunging entirely off the graph precisely on Dec. 21, 2012.
Horn says 38 years ago, when scientists Terrence and Dennis McKenna created a stock-market-like linear graph based on the "I-Ching," the timeline abruptly plunged off the graph into infinity on precisely Dec. 21, 2012.
"This finding is all the more astonishing given that McKenna's research was published in 1973 independent of any knowledge of the ending date in the Mayan calendar," Horn noted.
Meanwhile, the Zohar, a collection of books in the mystical Jewish Kabbalah that first debuted in Spain in the 13th century, talks about the coming of the Messiah at the same general time the other calendars forecast the end.
It predicts in late 2012, "All the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there. These will commence anew to make other wars. From that time the Mashiach (Messiah) will begin to declare himself, and round him there will be gathered many nations and many hosts from the uttermost ends of the Earth."
Horn says, "Given the rejection of Jesus by orthodox Jews as Messiah, this coming could herald the coming of Antichrist in 2012."
What's perhaps most fascinating is Horn's discussion of what could be the mother of all conspiracy theories, dating back to the Bible's Book of Genesis, involving Noah's great grandson Nimrod, who not only built the famous Tower of Babel, but is the "mighty hunter" who scholars believe became worshipped as the sun god, with names such as Osiris in Egypt and Apollo in Greece.
Horn says from deepest antiquity, a plot involving pagan sun-worshippers, America's Founding Fathers, Masons and Freemasons has apparently been in the works, culminating in the end time with the return or resurrection of an evil, supernatural being. That character may actually be pictured as the all-seeing eye on top of the uncapped pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States, found on the back of a $1 bill.
Others have speculated the eye on top of the pyramid could be a representation of Jesus Christ, since the Bible notes, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone." (Psalm 118:22 New International Version).
The date at the base of the pyramid is 1776, which is not only the year the Declaration of Independence was signed, but also the beginning of a new Mayan "katun," a time period of 19.7 years. If each of the 13 levels of the pyramid on the Great Seal represents one of these time periods, the top level would mark the year 2012.
The Latin phrase "Novus ordo seclorum" is part of the American seal, and translates to "New order of the ages," which some fear is what many U.S. presidents, including George Herbert Walker Bush, allude to when they use the phrase, "New World Order."
Other strange connections to the United States include the Frieze of American History, a painted panorama at the U.S. Capitol.
Among the artwork is "Cortez and Montezuma at Mexican Temple" by Italian artist Constantino Brumidi.
Montezuma is shown gesturing to the sacred fire with a serpent wrapped around it. According to the Aztec calendar, the fire is predicted to burn out on Dec. 21, 2012.
It depicts Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez, the conqueror of Mexico, entering the Aztec temple in 1519. He's welcomed by Emperor Montezuma II, who thought Cortez was a god.
"Montezuma's hand is pointing directly down at the sacred fire, which, in point of fact, goes out ... Dec. 21, 2012, the end of the calendar," Horn noted.
Also featured in the frieze is the Aztec calendar stone, and the sun god Tonatiuh, to whom pagan priests had 80,000 people sacrificed in the year of 1487 alone.
"Hiding in plain sight is the god who demands human sacrifice," said Horn.
He says another high-profile piece that may hold end-time clues is the famous painting in the Rotunda of the Capitol, titled "The Apotheosis of George Washington." The word "apotheosis" means to deify or elevate to divine status, and Washington is depicted being resurrected and becoming divine.
The U.S. Capitol Rotunda features "The Apotheosis of George Washington," with America's first president becoming glorified as a god, along with numerous pagan gods.
But Horn notes in "Apollyon Rising 2012":
Those who believe the United States was founded on Christianity and visit the Capitol for the first time will be surprised by the stark contrast to historic Christian artwork of the ascension of Jesus Christ compared to the "heaven" George Washington rises into from within the energized Capitol Dome/womb of Isis. It is not occupied by angels, but with devils and pagan deities important to Masonic belief. These include Hermes, Neptune, Venus (Isis), Ceres, Minerva, and Vulcan (Satan), of course, the son of Jupiter and Juno to which human sacrifices are made.
Horn says the symbolism in the painting associated with the deeply rooted idea that chosen humans are selected by supernatural forces, and their earthly kingdoms are formed and guided by these pagan gods.
Washington was himself a Mason, and, according to the book "The Age of Washington" by George W. Nordham, the president was dressed in Masonic attire as he laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 18, 1793.
When it comes to biblical references to the end, a central theme is that Jesus Christ will be returning to Earth in what is often referred to as the "Second Coming" to administer the kingdom of God. While Scripture does not provide a specific date for "the day of the Lord" as it's often called, it does suggest everyone be ready at all times, because His return would come suddenly, like "a thief in the night," and Jesus Himself warned to "be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." (Matthew 24:44 New King James Version)
The 24th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew features Jesus answering his apostles' questions about signs of His coming and the end of the current age, and Jesus provides a laundry list of events including wars and rumors of wars, false Christs, famines, pestilences, earthquakes and great tribulation, with many believers being slain.
Jesus noted, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14 King James Version)
He also said: "The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about – the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place." (Reader, pay attention!) "Then those in Judea must flee to the hills." (Matthew 24:15-16 New Living Translation)
This reference to the "Holy Place" has many believing that a new temple of God will have to be constructed in Jerusalem before Jesus' return.
Some Christians, such as Noel Hornor of the Good News Magazine, think the 2012 prognostications are the result of misplaced fears and reliance on pagan systems rather than the Bible itself.
Hornor writes: "Yes, Dec. 21, 2012, will come and go, Dec. 22 will arrive, and the Earth will go on. And so will new theories regarding new exact dates for the end of the world. The cry has been shouted by strident voices for millennia, and you can be sure it will continue."
As for Tom Horn, he says he never places any pagan prophecy ahead of the Bible, but just wonders why so many different and unrelated civilizations talk about the end of days in December 2012.
"I would not say that I'm yet convinced that 2012 will be anything more than the next Y2K," he said, referring to the misplaced hysteria about the world coming to an end when 1999 turned into 2000.
"It's very easy to take extraordinary circumstances to interpret in Bible prophecy, and then it doesn't develop. There were lots of reasons to believe Hitler was the Antichrist. He wasn't. He was an antichrist, but not the Antichrist."
"All I can do is bring to the surface the good research," Horn concluded. "I'm kind of holding back, leaning today that 2012 isn't going to mean anything. But in the back of my mind, I can't forget all these cultures." -
Is There A Sin That Is Justifiably, For Excommunication Or Shunning?
by AvocadoJake ini know this question is a "slippery slope.
" but i am wondering if you belive there is a sin, that merits excommunication?
i vote child molesters and rapist and murding (a unjustifiable murder, serial killers, outright evil by community standards.
There is (or should be) a distinction between Excommunication and Shunning.
Shunning should be a personal decision as discussed earlier. i.e. if a smoker comes to your house and refuses to stop you don't invite them back.
By extension no one should be should be disfellowshipped by the congregation as they cannot read the heart. The elders cannot truly see whether one is repentant.
Why would one practice something that is wrong but still want to be a JW. One is known as a JW be their 'works'. It's often said that if one is not 'witnessing' then they are not a JW. When a 'new one' wishes to begin 'field service' they have to be approved so it is just that approval that should be revoked, nothing more, nothing less. When approved one is announced as an Unbaptized Publisher so the equivilent announcement would be that one is no longer a publisher.
A person can come in off the street at the watchtower study and put their hand up to comment, so why should even commenting be restricted. If their comment is totally out-of-line they will not be called on again.
If one chooses to practice whatever 'sin' they choose deliberately then they are making the choice of not wishing to be a JW and 1 Cor 15:33 would apply as a personal decision. If however, the 'sin' is due to weakness, imperfection, a momentary lack of judgement, or whatever and that one continues to attend meetings, and accept the help they may need. Then why should they be disfellowshipped.
In answer to previous posters there is no 'sin' that warrants disfellowshipping as it is not (supposed to be) a punishment. It is only warranted if one is deemed to be unrepentent. If one is not repentent why would they even agree to a Judicial Commitee.
To reitarate a point made earlier. We all choose our own associates, we are even warned to be 'careful' of our assoications even within the congregation. So why do we need to be TOLD to shun someone. Particularly if that one is not practicing sin but merely 'fell short' and needs and wants help.
Whos is King of North?
by sparki ini think it's iran.. they're straight up crazy wackos whos main goal is to create caliphate, world under one islamic law.
they actually believe they can accomplish this by causing great tribulation themselves with nuclear attack.. according to their belief, when theres great tribulation in the world, allah will come down and destroy non-muslims and will bring paradise.
so if they blow up nuke, it will speed up the process.
It's the EU
A couple of statistics I'm looking for...
by IsaacJ22 inhi guys.
i've been plucking away at a podiobook about going from jw to atheist and why jws should think about how they treat xjws.
(this will be bigger than my 15 page essay from a while back.
from the above site.
Jehovah's Witnesses have the lowest retention rate of any religious tradition. Only 37% of all those who say they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses still identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses.
But for the sake of accuracy you could ask how they came about that figure. I'm sure the branch office wouldn't have told them.
Download While You Can!
by Atlantis incredit goes to anony mous= mous wrote:=hi,=i have a cache of documents that are direct from the branch.
they include letters, forms, videos, booklets, instructions on how to handle everything in kingdom hall locally and rbc's financially and otherwise.=includes the branch's instructions on how to write the local incorporations so that all assets go to watchtower inc. and in case that corporation doesn't exist anymore or is no longer tax free, to the governing body (that's what it says!).
i have them for all states but only going to include ny (since that's where they are located).
Just had a quick look at the 'safety video'.
Could anyone tell me if there is such a thing as 'theocratic constrution' as it must have been mentioned a dozen times in the few minutes I watched.
Isn't 'construction' just 'construction'!
Shunning..... at Meetings ???
by IMHO incan someone explain why jws shun disfellowshipped ones when they are at their meetings (i.e.
making moves to come back)?.
i can understand why you may not want to 'socialize' with ones who do not share your beliefs.. but surely shunning such ones at the 'meetings'; assuming they are not there to cause trouble, is unloving; should they not be welcomed like the prodigal son.. true christians are known by the 'love' they show.
crazycate and Awen you both made very interesting and valid but different points in regard to 1 COR 5:11-13.
The scripture says quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother who IS... doing whatever.
If they are 'back' at the meetings they have no doubt stopped or at least trying to and may need help in doing so.
Awen you added that the scripture: makes the point that the person in question is called a "brother" making a paradox with the announcement that xxxxxx is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Further to that if one is no longer a "Jehovah's Witness" then apostacy aside it would make you no different to a 'worldly person'. Therefore the scripture wouldn't apply as is says to "quit mixing.... with anyone called a BROTHER".
Also a very good point about meetings in private homes in the Corinthian congregation. When there was still Book Studies held in private homes Df'd ones were not even allowed to attend they had to go to one held at the KH, if there was one.
The time period is also of interest. It must make the elders look bad if a DF'd one is attending all the meetings right away. In fact the person I mentioned earlier applied for reinstatement after a couple of months (he had been at every meeting since the announcement) and he was told no because..... believe it or not..... nothing to do with his behaviour.... but either the congregation may think that the elders had made a mistake and are rectifying it or the congregation may think his 'sin' was not that serious.
Shunning..... at Meetings ???
by IMHO incan someone explain why jws shun disfellowshipped ones when they are at their meetings (i.e.
making moves to come back)?.
i can understand why you may not want to 'socialize' with ones who do not share your beliefs.. but surely shunning such ones at the 'meetings'; assuming they are not there to cause trouble, is unloving; should they not be welcomed like the prodigal son.. true christians are known by the 'love' they show.
All valid points but no one has yet addressed the initial topic - the actual reasons behind shunning someone at the meetings rather than just refusing to socialize with them.
Does being disfellowshipped (and making an effort to 'come back') make you 'worse' than a 'worldly person'?