Keep us posted.
here's the story,.
been "inactive" for 2.5 years.from that day forward my elder brother, sister and parents have treated me as an apostate, seeing how i told them i didn't believe in their bible or god.
i have been exluded from everything but since getting pregnant, my parents now want to be part of the babies life (just to "save" the child i'm sure, but thats what monitors are for).
Keep us posted.
are people "evil" (in god's definition?
) or just don't know what "good" is yet?
(god's defintion of good that is).. how many people would be saved if they somehow found they wanted to do "good"?
Evil desires arise because humanity has a fundamental flaw--inherent imperfection.
We miss the mark of perfection.
Too, Jesus explained that some are not acting entirely of their own volition. John 8:44
An unseen force foments evil. But, as you know, all is not lost.
Could people be convinced to do good if they seen the end results of doing it? And liked them?
This is where faith comes in.
when i first left the witnesses 15 years ago, i still believed in the jw god, jehovah, as the real and only "true" god and that all the others were not real.
they were real in that people worshipped them and as a distraction from "true worship", but to me, they were simply imaginary entities.. no other gods actually existed.
there was jehovah, satan, and the angels and demons.
do the needs a homosexual person feels prove that homosexuality is okay? Is the need a murderer feels to, you know, murder, proof that it's okay?
It does not prove these actions as O.K. It only proves the existence of those needs.
when i first left the witnesses 15 years ago, i still believed in the jw god, jehovah, as the real and only "true" god and that all the others were not real.
they were real in that people worshipped them and as a distraction from "true worship", but to me, they were simply imaginary entities.. no other gods actually existed.
there was jehovah, satan, and the angels and demons.
Does thirst prove the existence of water?
Every society of people throughout history has placed Gods over themselves. They feel a need.
The glory of being a spirit and or a human creation is we can decide not to serve our purpose. Ephesians 1:12
Animals have no choice but to praise their creator.
Personally, I need a God.
is (means) i think it refers to a mature hot female.
YIKES....what have you stumbled onto orbison11?
an invitation to any jws, ex-jws, faders, lurkers or readers: please wreck this if you can.
i trying to tackle a foundation doctrine of jws as simply as i possibly can.
if anyone has a way to further simplify this, please offer suggestions.. john 10:16"and i have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also i must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.".
AuldSoul, NWT Revelation 21:
:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth;......
:3 "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples....And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more,..."
Apparently there will be mankind living on earth. No death = no going to heaven. A new heaven goes with Jesus comment at John 14:21
I am going my way to prepare a place for you
In this illustration Jesus actually mentions three sheepfolds. One is identified with the Mosaic Law covenant pointing to the Christ. The other two folds benefit from the same ransom--one flock under one shepherd.
On the point of whom Jesus was speaking to John 9:40 states:
Those of the Pharisees who were with him....
These asked Jesus a direct question so he spoke to them. Chapter 10 is a continuation of the conversation with everyone present. John 10:19
Again a division resulted among the Jews because of these words.
Many were present to hear Jesus speak these words. Not just his disciples and not just the Pharisees. How would the audience change the meaning of Christ's words?
I used the NWT, however, the dubs have not cornered the marked with the 2 separate groups' idea.
according to the current dogma of jehovah's witnesses:.
those who hear and ignore the warning will be destroyedthose who do not hear might be spared (if jehovah so chooses)any who do not receive the mark in their foreheads (per ezekiel) will not be sparedany who are of responsible age (interpretted by jehovah) and are not baptized will not be sparedjehovah does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentancemore people are born every year than get baptized, adding to the death toll every year.
in case you doubt whether that statement is true, consider this:.
The qualifications of someone receiving the Good News negate the WTS stance.... for example, The baptism practices and timeline of modern day Dubs against the Biblical examples of Cornelius the Centurion, The Jailer after Paul and Silas' release, The Etheopian eunuch... Apollos the Alexandrite.
There was a time in the bible students/Jehovah's Witness history when anyone could get baptized whenever they were moved to do so. My mother was one such person. No questions to consider and had studied for about 6 months.
The reasoning behind the quick baptizms in the first century is all they needed to do is put faith in Jesus. Acts 10:43
The trouble started when 19th century baptized defectors started to question teachings or challenged the right to disfellowshiping. With so many differing Christian viewpoints the dubs want to be sure you have basic knowledge of the scriptures according to their beliefs. AND that you're affiliating yourself with an organization and its authority.
on judgement day--what will be the fate of jehovah's witnesses?.
why he couldn't come up with a solution that didn't involve so much bloodshed.
What is your take on accounts in the bible that relate how God destroyed thousands of people?
If the accounts are accurate, why would God change his MO?
on judgement day--what will be the fate of jehovah's witnesses?.
On judgement day--what will be the fate of Jehovah's Witnesses?
i was doing some work on my car, when this dub turns up to give me the tract.
he makes his presentation in a way that doesnt promote discussion.
unfortunately i feel slightly frustrated that i didnt ask him a few questions, ok he wouldnt have listened or would have claimed to go away and research it, but still i felt i missed a golden opportunity to give a 'witness' back.
I now know all of life's answers.
bless you child