Welcome byz!
were you still a jw, or did you just leave?
what did you expect from a church, was it like you thought, etc.
what happened afterwards, especially if you were still a jw.
Welcome byz!
were you still a jw, or did you just leave?
what did you expect from a church, was it like you thought, etc.
what happened afterwards, especially if you were still a jw.
As a JW, I was "inside a church" several times -- for weddings, music recitals, nursing school pinnings, etc. These were all Protestant churches and the events were not actual church services. Walking into a church building for such events never bothered me (and apparently did not worry my raised-in-the-religion JW mother either).
By contrast, I remember being told that even walking in the door of a Catholic Church would make one subject to congregation discipline (not sure if that is actually true, but that's what I was told). So I never even thought about entering a Catholic Church and thereby missed the weddings of several of my husband's close family members and funerals of others.
As to my status now, I consider myself "not a JW" from the fall of 2003, although I haven't submitted an official letter.
Last fall, at about the same time I joined this board, I attended a Catholic church service. It was a life-changing experience for me. My brief account of that experience is here:
In January, I started attending Mass every Sunday and continue to do so. I plan to start RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) in August with a view to being baptized next Spring.
our dear mouthy is really having a tough time right now and needs our support and/or prayers.
as some of you may know, she's already lost 3 of her children in death and the other one to the borg.
in the last couple of days, she's had to worry about her 2 year old great-granddaughter being in the hospital with an illness and yesterday, her daughter had a suspicious mole removed from her back and was told there is a lump in her breast which has to be biopsied.
Thanks Mary, for letting us know.
I'm praying for you right now.
if i had to be tied down i would say disfellowshipping.
totally unnecessary and i really think it spans itself into a lot of other wt policies/mindsets.
"disagree with us and you are a dead man"
That it divides families...
That it demands judgmentalism on the part of members, and also dictates what their judgment must be...
That it misrepresents and lies about other religious traditions while hiding its own past...
i don't.
it's not that i won't.
funny thing, is i've collected over 100 different bible versions and translations..
Every day.
someone on another thread mentioned the "watchtower spin" on the settlements.
has a watchtower statement been posted, or a link to one?.
Thanks Trevor!
"mature" jw's, what do you "believe" you are accomplishing by coming on this board?.
page 371 paragraph 22 of the june 15, 1967 watchtower magazine says, "in addition to all of this, a persons faith can be weakened by what he reads and takes into his mind, dwelling upon "higher criticism," relying on worldly philosophers.
it should be remembered that, when we are reading a book, the author of the book becomes ones teacher, and for this reason great care should be taken in selecting reading matter.
The great majority of them are never happy afterward.
How would you know?
I am much happier now. And I have a great many real friends (the kind who love you without judging you).
Happy XJWs come here to help others who have either left or been expelled from the "organization" to learn that there IS life after the Watchtower. Jehovah's Witnesses are such a closed society that those who leave must basically start their lives over from scratch (especially those who, like me, were "raised" in the organization). Also we give support to those who have stopped believing but must still "go through the motions" in order not to LOSE their entire family.
When my husband left Roman Catholicism to become a Witness, his very large and very Catholic family did not disown him. They were upset with his choice, but they have loved and supported us both and our children in the over 30 years since.
If a Witness, however, becomes a Catholic, their Witness family will treat them as DEAD... BIG difference!
Why would anyone who is a loyal Witness hang out on a board of XJWs?
Methinks the Beroean doth protest too much...
someone on another thread mentioned the "watchtower spin" on the settlements.
has a watchtower statement been posted, or a link to one?.
Someone on another thread mentioned the "Watchtower spin" on the settlements. Has a Watchtower statement been posted, or a link to one?
i am just reading 'thus saith jehovah's witnesses'.
on page 91, it mentions how eric frost is viewed as a hero in the awake magazine of august 22, 1995. it then mentions how the article gives no mention that frost turned in his fellow district servants to the gestapo after he had been betrayed.
i have just looked at the watchtower library 2006, but eric frost is not even mentioned in those articles.
The August 22 1995 issue was an Awake! It had 4 articles on the Holocaust, but I found no mention of Erich Frost by name in them.
There are references to him by name in later literature up through 2000 at least. One specifically calls him one of the "loyal ones". He was apparently very involved in the post-war work and was mentioned in connection with the 1953 International Convention in New York.
i am just reading 'thus saith jehovah's witnesses'.
on page 91, it mentions how eric frost is viewed as a hero in the awake magazine of august 22, 1995. it then mentions how the article gives no mention that frost turned in his fellow district servants to the gestapo after he had been betrayed.
i have just looked at the watchtower library 2006, but eric frost is not even mentioned in those articles.
4/15/61 - Deliverance from Totalitarian Inquisition through Faith in God as told by Erich Frost