Thank you very much for the link. This was not, however, the document I was looking for.
A search on the WT cd for the term "postsecondary education" brings up only one "hit" -- a Watchtower article from November of 1992. This article appears to contain the information that I remember from the brochure (or tract, or whatever) published earlier that year.
All references to education beyond high school since then refer to "supplementary education". By 1994, this education was being "downplayed" (there was an Awake article in 1994 entitled "Put Education in its Place". The brochure you provided likewise "downplays" the need for supplementary education.
The current view is pretty much the same as the viewpoint when I was young -- Jehovah's day is NEAR -- no time to pursue worldly education.
And the newest book chides individuals who may feel that they "missed out" by not pursuing higher education that they should not set "materialistic" goals for their children.
I also noticed that the CD does not have the 1995 version of the brochure either, just a 2002 version. I didn't bother to look at that one.
Revisionist history -- the JWs have gotten SO skillful at it. They can manage to convince people that they don't remember what they really do remember, just by changing what they say about it.
Love this board!