I believe there is a conspiracy in HQ and they want to nip it in the bud.
will die hard jw's see any control issues with the sept km?
i once brought up the fact to my jw that jw's were not allowed to get together informally to do any kind of 'bible' studies without the approval of the elders, gb, etc.. he said that was totally ridiculous and false, more apostate lies.
this was long ago now and i'm not sure he even remembers saying it.
I believe there is a conspiracy in HQ and they want to nip it in the bud.
and secondly, it has set apart the real followers of jesus christ, the true servants of jehovah god, from all others who profess to be christians but are such in name only.. *** w59 3/1 p. 148 par.
yes, we can give him something very precious.
" (proverbs 27:11) we can give god our obedience.
Thanks,for the review Blondie.Maybe my post should be else where.
Todays WT reminds me of a modern day Gov't that demanded total obedience of his subjects.Dictator.psycho,sicko,sadistic---Hilter.Let me explain:God rejects Saul for disobedience.Why?What are the circumstances,backgrd?Is Saul to blame?Was it his fault?
History... c.2200 BC at the tower of Babel God scattered the people all over the Earth or established different Nations all over the Earth.One of these Nations was the Amalek,who settled East of Egypt..c.1513BC God frees the Jews (Israel) from Egypt.So you have approx 3 million Jews/others plus animals who want to cross the Amalek land.However,the Amalekites say..NOT.You can't cross our land.Do you blame them? There is no indication from God that he gave them premission.It would be like 30million Arab's wanting to enter USA.not in your life.(Who provoked Who)
Approx. 400 years later in 1117BC God appts Saul to settle accts with the Nation of Amalek for refusing to allow his people to cross their territory when Israel came from Egypt(Who provoked Who) .God tells Saul to completely destroy the entire Nation of Amalek,To kill.kill.kill all men,women.little children,babies.To kill,kill,kill all oxen,sheep,camels,donkeys.Yes,Saul with and army of 210k to butcher the entire nation of Amalek under God's direction.Why kill babies 400 years after the fact.However,God wasn't satisfied with Saul's performance so he gives him the boot and appts David.Who murders and kills 70k.
Who wants to be obedient to a God who is vindictive and will kill /murder YOU for what your ancesters did.Oh,come to think of it,our ancesters are Adam/Eve. We are up shit creek w/o a peddle. Nice lesson for us today.
here is the best that i could do, but i think it gets the main points of the articles across.
i wouldn't bet my life on this translation, but i think it is good enough for our purposes.
question box.
So they suck people in with their deception like door step study.Than they use their own curriculum to further indoctrinate you and once they have you by the balls they use the BIG DF'ING CLUB to keep you in their hell hole.
comments you will not hear at the 7-29-07 wt study (june 15, 2007, pages 21-25)((wonderfully made).
review comments will be in red.
can one follow jesus without following the wts?
Thanks, for the review Blondie
Just some of my thoughts on this rag.
God's creative works: Earth man's home.faulty foundation ie earthequakes...Free will why flood. Animals why was David watching the sheep no foxes or wolves around.
we just had our convention at the memorial colosseum in portland, or.
good old teddyj was our keynote speaker.
i can tell you right now that the ol' boy's still alive and kicking.
You are right the GB are anti-school.This year they had Demos on higher education.They said it was of little value and those who had a degree didn't necessaryly get a better high paying job.In facts those who went to University went on drinking binges had wild sex orgies etc.Also it cost a lot of money.
So lets look at the real truth of the GB.In the Km of 2001 they said.An increasing amount of todays work calls for those who have a background in Electronic or experience with computer programming.Those who are older than 35 and who have specilized skills and training WE can use(abuse) you at Bethel.These include: Dentists,Doctors,Certified Public Accountants,Archtects,Registered Nurses,Engineers,Attorneys.Than they have the balls(maybe not) to say.However,we do not encourage specialized education.Those who have already received specilizied training before coming into the truth, send a detailed resume and attach it to the Bethel application.So those crazy drunken wild orgie students who received their degrees we want you at Bethel to work and slave for us.When we are done with you we will kick you out of Bethel so fast you won't know what hit you.You see in 2001 there were 5730 in Bethel HQ in New York.Today there are about 1900 yet they say there is a great increase in publishers.So GB it's all about money,loot ,riches,wealth yet you don't want the R&F to have any.
As a side note:Why In Sam hell didn't you have a drama about Jesus..The Christ.No you go back to your OT account.The DC theme was about Jesus was it not.
there will have to be assumptions involved here.....that god exists, the bible is the word of god and creation is as stated in genesis, etc.
etc.. in the old testament, god seemed pretty straight forward, let certain people know (and not by osmosis) his intent.
backed certain kings, and showed power through physical occurrences over and over again.. along comes his son, who died for the entire race as a ransom for adam's sin.
It is all about Power.In the 1st century 99.9 % of the people were unlettered.Those who had the smarts controlled everything.Even today same thing.Just a side note I don't think we have the complete correct translation of the NT.Maybe new scrolls will be found and we will get the true meaning of what God/Jesus are.
PS What the so called smart people said was believed no questions asked.Much like the WBTS.what the GB say is accepted no questions asked
study edition of the wt will be restricted - it will be as per km
New WT Public Edition.
Lets see if I got this right...It (WT mag )appeals to Non-Witnesses who may accept the Bible...It shows how the Bible can help families...It deals with world conditions...It shows the reliability of the Bible...It W/A shows what the Bible really teaches.All of the above are from the GB Km which is their internal Memo to the Slaves.
What's with "who may accept the Bible".All true Religion ie R.C.,Lutheran.Baptists, etc have a true translation of the Bible and accept what it teaches.For over 130 years the GB of the WT were preaching from this WT as a Bible base journal.The public kept telling them that the Bible does not teach such things as "PIONEER, 1914,and other unique terms that need explaining.So now they are going to hoodwink the public with their new improved lie.The brain dead slaves will bow down and thank their god,the gb from this new provision.
Why not try a novel new idea and just use the BIBLE for teaching,preaching setting things straight..
elderly ones, a blessing to the young.
do you associate often with people younger than you?
q1, 2) what should elderly servants of god appreciate, and what will we now consider?.
Thanks,for the review Blondie
Your're right they the GB is stuck on the OT.They tried to play make belief with this years D.C. of "Follow The Christ".Can you imagine when they review the WT at the D.C.this weekend.Notice......Moses is mentioned 7 times,Abraham 8 times, Noah 10 times.Guess how many times Jesus's is mentioned only ONE time.I did not bother counting all the other oldies.
for those of you who espouse the philosophy that one needs to discard who we "think" we are and embrace the "reality" of who we really are, what if, there is a divine purpose to our miniscule existence in the here and now and that purpose is to experience the pull of opposite forces (duality), and you are missing it by not allowing yourself to experience the ego self?
what if you are missing the whole purpose of this pull of pain and joy by trying to suppress it or place yourself outside of it?
the below is a short story sent to me by a friend and it is an example of what i'm inferring.
Man couldn't develop fully just like that butterfly because God interfered and kicked man out of the garden.
comments you will not hear at the 7-15-07 wt study (june 1, 2007, pages 21-25)thriving during grayheadness)).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.