It is sad that so many JW listen to the faulty wisdom of the GB/FDS.The GB/FDS has been saying the end is so near,get a part time job so you can be in the full time service,there is little value in this system of things.Than they turn around and say,we are getting old in this system and have to prepare for it.Can't they make up their minds.Oh! sorry they knew all along that we would get old and die and there never was "the end is oh so close".A good scam.
Posts by bobld
Well, what can you say???? I am speechless.
by DATA-DOG inexhibit a:.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
BOE re:Adjusted Process to Accelerate Kingdom Hall Construction
by TTATTelder inmay 12, 2014. to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: adjusted process to accelerate kingdom hall construction.
dear brothers:.
"Each BOE will also need to ensure that sufficient funds are retained in their individual Cong account to cover all resolutions,such as K.H.A.A.,T.O.A.,and the NEWLY established WORLD WIDE KINGDOM HALL and ASSEMBLY HALL construction."
So why are they taking MONEY from the operating expense budget box.If they are short on funds from their NEWLY NEW W.W.H.H and A.H. (pass the plate) box.
They are going to charge members monthly fees now! Society Tyranny
by MysticMage inwell there you have it folks.
they have passed around pieces of paper for each publisher to write.
down how much they are willing to give the society every month for their entire lives!.
13,000 K.H.,2 Cong. per K.H. of 200 pubs equals over 5,000,000 100 pubs/cong still equal over 2.5 mil.
No no no just doesn,t compute.They are up to no good.
They are going to charge members monthly fees now! Society Tyranny
by MysticMage inwell there you have it folks.
they have passed around pieces of paper for each publisher to write.
down how much they are willing to give the society every month for their entire lives!.
After 20 years of the K.H.Fund,why the sudden request for(pass the plate) donations.They must be facing a legal challenge.They have been building K.h. around the world for a long time.Now a washy-washy directive for 13,000 k.h.come on.It is a cover-up.Look, they ask for a vote on a resolution when they don't give all the facts to the members .
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget injust read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
WARNING:For those Jehovah's Witnesses who fall victim or are suckered for the scams of the GB.The lastest scam,the GB says it needs money for a hugh number of K.Halls because of the large increase in publishers.Here's how the scam works.We will use the 2013 STATS.The GB says there were 277,344 baptized. 67 publishers per K.Hall equals over 4000 new K.Halls needed.
REALLY;Lets look at the 2013 yearbook stats again on p.176
TOTAL CONG. 113,823
AV.PUBS. 7,698.377
% INC over 2012 of 2.1 or 166,666 pubs. equals 1.42 pubs per cong. let me say that again 1.42 pubs per cong.if they can't find room for 1.42 pubs. they better fire the RBC.
Bottom line J.W.don't fall for the scam.In the USA were 32,118 BPTZD and 13,714 cong or 2.34 new pubs per cong.Pray tell why all the new k.h.
Will firing the DOs be the first step to a new Watchtower?
by Juan Viejo2 inagainst my better judgement, i've decided to share the following as a response to guy pierce passing and the announcement of the elimination of district overseers later this year.. late in january (2014) i got an email from one of my contacts (a fader) who served at bethel for several years, but is no longer at wt hq.
he still has a lot of close contacts within the service department and in other departments at patterson and knows people in all of the ny offices.
i kept this email set aside on a flash drive and haven't shared it with anyone - figuring i'd publish an article about it later this year when i had more time to do it right.
I don't have the mag on hand but did they not send out smoke signals in the latest mags about carrying for the older ones,medical issues etc.To get them ready for the royal boot.They sure know how to twist the r&f around their little dinky.I do not feel sorry for the d.o. getting the boot because they sure caused a lot of headaches to a lot of people that did not deserve it.They could of been manly enough and said no,this is not right how to treat people.
100 Years of Rule and the 1/15 WT
by Bob_NC infirst, i cannot believe how dumbed-down and simplistic the writing is now.
we used to have study articles with substance.
the writing style now is for people with slow minds or at the level of junior high students with learning disabilities.
Page 29 para 7 Says"Why do the majority of people not accept what it means?Why are they not able to connect the dots?read para 7
Because on page 31 para 15&16 You say"This generation" of two groups,one was on hand in 1914 and the 2nd group overlaps the 1st group and this 2nd group are advanving in years and will by no means pass away before seeing the start of the great tribulation.You dipstick said in the Jan 15,2000 wt that the 1st qroup will not pass away.In 1995 you had a different defintion of a generation.MY QUESTION to you,why are you not able to connect the dots?READ your own publication because a it stands now you are totally confused.
The purpose of changing JW names, titles and terms
by gingerbread induring a discussion over the weekend, we exchanged ideas about recent changes in terminology related to assembly days, conventions and new titles for the higher-ups.
i commented that for years in 'security' at larger meetings we were told to talk to any that seemed out of place and ask questions that would indicate if they were apostates - antiquated terms like 'overseer' or a reference the 'truth' book.. another in our group brought up the character in the orwell book 1984 and how his job was to separate new and approved terms from old words.
this was called doublethink and blackwhite.
remember the book study
Israel ... Jehovah ... The Promised Land ... Genocide
by wannabefree inthis is a topic that i was always uncomfortable with, but, as a good indoctrinated jw got myself to accept the spin.
of course, now that i am out, when i speak with other "christian" friends, they make the same excuses.
god's ways are above our ways ... okay, sure ... but really???.
My POV.God is the father of the human family and is a deadbeat dad.Would a father in his right mind treat his offspring unequally.Would he educate one and not the other.Would he use one family member to kill (murder) another family member.A father would be unjust if he gave one child a gift w/o giving an equal gift to the others.We can see GOD giving unfair preferential to one person at the expense of another.We know that children are influenced by their father.Children learn by watching parents.(more later)
Now imgine you are the NBC evening news anchor.Here is your script for the latest world news headlines.Holy war against Midian:Men,women,children killed,cities burning.War against the Amalekites:Men,women,children.babies,cattle,sheep,camela,donkeys killed.
This just in, King David makes love to Bathsheba Uriah's wife,he then kills Uriah.King David takes an unlawful cenus resulting in 70,000 deaths.
You know when we hear in the news of a parent killing a child(baby) it tears our hearts.Not one person would say that is ok ,yet there are those who say it is ok if god does it.Sad sad sad.
How do JWs Not see how barbaric YHWH is? Its what started my awakening.
by BU2B inif one reads genesis from the first chapter through the end with an open mind, it is clear that not only is it not true, but that god is potrayed as a cruel, petty, childish micromanaging tyrant.
if one continues reading the ot this is just further solidified.
how do jws not see the obvious?
The Watchtower condemns and chastises anyone who watches a violent movie or kids watching Wile E.Coyote/roadrunner cartoons.Than they demand that parents read the bible to their children every day and to meditate on every word.Can you imagine having a six year one kid constantly thinking everyday about rape,murder,war,babies being killed or his favorite cat/dag being killed.And this past few weeks about men(fathers to a 6 yr old) having so many mommies.