God directed the Israelites to kill every breathing thing including children. Not much different from tossing your child into the fire. WT reasoning: So how would babies teach them false worship?
WTS views them as pests. Babies are incorrigibly wicked?
*** w60 1/15 p. 55 This Is a Time of Judgment ***A SERIOUS TIME
As the judgment period that ended with the Flood brought a permanent end to those people, so will the ending of the present judgment period permanently terminate the conscious existence of those who are judged adversely. This is, therefore, a very serious time.
Parents who reject the good news of the Kingdom and who ignore the good principles and wonderful purposes of Jehovah God cannot expect their minor children to survive the execution of divine judgment. Until a child reaches the age where it can be held responsible for its actions, it is under family responsibility. Divine punishment or blessing that comes to its parents automatically falls upon it. This principle is seen at Ezekiel 9:6, where God’s command was to “slay utterly the old man, the young man and the virgin, and little children and women; but come not near any man upon whom is the mark.”—AS.
The unresponsible children of the people who perished in the flood were not preserved with Noah in the ark, but were destroyed with their wicked parents. The same was true with regard to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. If those cities had contained ten righteous persons they would have been spared. Certainly there were more than ten unresponsible children in them; nevertheless, God destroyed the two cities.
*** w05 12/1 p. 6 Armageddon—A Happy Beginning ***
Many wonder, however, why a God who is the very embodiment of love would inflict death and destruction on much of humankind. The situation might be compared to that of a pest-infested house. Would you not agree that a conscientious homeowner should safeguard the health and well-being of his family by exterminating the pests?
Similarly, it is because of Jehovah’s deep affection for humans that the battle of Armageddon has to be fought. God’s purpose is to make the earth a paradise and to elevate mankind to perfection and peace, with “no one making them tremble.” (Micah 4:3, 4; Revelation 21:4) What, then, is to be done with those who threaten the peace and security of their fellow humans? God must eliminate such “pests”—the incorrigibly wicked—for the sake of the righteous ones.—2 Thessalonians 1:8, 9; Revelation 21:8.
*** w68 10/15 p. 637 Why God Decreed Extermination for the Canaanites ***
The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being sex emblems and many of the rites of their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. No wonder God ordered their extermination! If even the women and children were allowed to remain, they would entice the Israelites to practice immoral, false worship.—Ex. 23:24; 34:12-17; Num. 33:52; Deut. 7:3-5; 20:16-18.
(Deuteronomy 20:15-18) 15 “That is the way you will do to all the cities very far away from you that are not of the cities of these nations. 16 It is only of the cities of these peoples that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance that you must not preserve any breathing thing alive, 17 because you should without fail devote them to destruction, the Hit′ tites and the Am ′ or·ites, the Ca ′ naan·ites and the Per ′ iz·zites, the Hi ′ vites and the Jeb ′ u·sites, just as Jehovah your God has commanded you; 18 in order that they may not teach YOU to do according to all their detestable things, which they have done to their gods, and YOU may indeed sin against Jehovah YOUR God.