once you see "one" year, all 4 seasons, it's the same every year.
in the summer time, it's hot, in th fall, the colors are nice, in the winter it's cold, in the spring, the snow melts, and it starts all over year after year.. it's the same thing with a human life.
a man or woman lives some 70 or 80 years, then its over.. what is god waiting for to bring his new system, "paradise" ?.
i have absolutely no idea how to get through to some people.... i mentioned the 1935 change to a jw, and told him that i'd seen the change coming... it was a logical progression, not a revelation from god to the fds.... his response ?.
"i've also had changes revealed to me before the fds makes the change, it just goes to show that jehovah reveals it to his people and that the witnesses have the truth.".
aaaaargh !!!!.
AlphaOmega said 'I have absolutely no idea how to get through to some people" I know you meant brain washed wacko R&F.Look when the 1914 generation was in vogue these brainless people said the GB/FDS used the Bible to explain this prophesy.When they changed the Bible prophesy(1914 generation) the whipmasters C.O./D.O. said at CA/SAD/DC.Do you question the faithful slave providing proper food at the proper time?If you do, you are questioning God himself.Now we don't want to question God do we,of course not.These wee brain people accept what ever shit comes down the pipe from these assholes in N.Y.H.Q'S.You have no chance of getting through these wee brain people.Maybe with a brain transplant.
last may, i finally admitted to myself that i am an atheist.
to me, being an atheist means that i don't believe any of the silly nonsense that puny humans have come up with.
many of the religions of man were started during a time when mental illnesses went undiagnosed and misunderstood, a time when man couldn't explain why lightning struck the earth or why rain fell.
I look at the universe and say, so what.I enjoy what's out there,share that joy and when I'am gone, so what.THE END.
i received my copy of barbara andersons cd paedophilia in an american religion a month or two ago, and i have been reading through it since.. what follows, although i have called this a review, is in no sense a scholarly consideration of the legal merits of the cases described, a task for which i am wholly unqualified.
these are, rather, my subjective reflections on the material presented, the impressions i gathered while reading the legal filings, my untrained, common-man appraisal of the cases laid out in those documents.
ill also admit to being swayed by tone of voice adopted, and to using my own common-sense yardstick in determining the reasonableness of the statements made, the responses given and the arguments put forward.
Very good Duncan,Thanks.I'am wondering if the Lawyers aren't positioning themselves to take over this profitable Company.With all the changes ie Generation/anointed/fds/gb,kicking out all the poor olders workers.It seem the R&F are totally in the dark because they would not dare look, touch or read B.Andersons book or anything published other than WT junk.
gems from the november watchtower.... searching into "the deep things of god" .
ocr article here.... http://www.sendspace.com/file/vly4jy.
understanding deep things requires study.
I'am not sure if I can say this here but aren't they the GB/FDS like someone we know in history that we took care of during WW two. They want the R&F to bow down to them w/o any questions asked.Their "fits the pattern" yeah keep reading those dumb mind controlling mags.
soliciting your comments as well!
please take a moment to post a comment, even if brief.
share your experience and keep the topic active.. .
You hit the nail right on the head.I feel the same way about all the Ex. in the O/T.The God(Jehovah) of the O/T is like an alcoholic father,really nice when sober but a raging lunatic when drunk.
This weeks WT and like all WT'S are so full of BS.Par 12 talks about the ransom.Par 15 destruction of Sodom/Gomorrah, Par 18 God is slow to anger.So God destroys Sodom/Gomorrah in a hurry without providing a ransom.Yeah that makes sense you drunkard.
we've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.. the brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the annual meeting.. an elder giving a service meeting part review of different watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.. he asks: "when is the sealing of the anounted ones?".
elder answers: "there is no specific date".
later after the meeting, i asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.. he answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation jesus spoke of in a future 2008 watchtower.. .
So what happened to the 2000 WT where the GB/FDS listed 6 things that we were deep deep deep very deep in the end of this system,One was that the FDS(anointed,144k) was getting very old and that some would still be on Earth when the end would come.You Know the big A, GT.coming.Oh,they really did not mean it or did they.
Good review.Some how I can't get my head around their reasoning.How can 14,000,000 children benefit from suffering and dying before they are 5 years old every year.When they endure such a painful death,how can it enhance their happiness.
They say Jesus experienced first hand human suffering.Now now Jesus was a man.He did not suffer the pain of woman while on Earth ie the PAIN of giving birth.
Rulership for all I know the type of God Jehovah is he probably had a hand in putting Hilter in power.
PS I believe the Roman Catholic teaches that the more one suffers on Earth the better his/her chances of getting to Heaven.
i can't remember if i read this here, but i was reminded from another thread..
universal sovereignty is pretty much the whole explanation for why god permits suffering, correct?.
why would a god of love make it last so long?
If Universal Sovereignty is the issue per WBTS than Satan is winning hands down.Lets compare it to a football game.At the end of the game the team with the highest score wins.Ex..Jets 35 packers 28,Jets win.World 6.7 billion(Satan per WBTS) JW'S 6.7 million. Satan wins hands down.
About Lot's wife per WBTS those people won't get a second chance.So this loving God don't give a shit about childern,just like the WBTS and their coverup about sexual abuse.
i hope that some of you lurkers out here really take a look at some of the thread in this section of the board.
this awake magazine says not one thing about how families are asked to trust their elders and how these very elders were and are abusing their children.
it mentions nothing about watching out for these trusted men in the congregations.............oh it brings out the internet, other family members and fathers and males in particular.. it will tell you how much your child needs to do to prevent something like this from happening.
The example the WT uses..wasn't Heather's father the scumbag from Saskatoon the was posted here.