Big Corps like the Watchtower will get good rates and will get a certain number of complimentary rooms.They(WT) will assign the complimentary rooms to certain brothers with the condition that they pay Watchtower the equivalent dollar amount of the negotiation rate.This is unknown to the R&f.I agree that the WT can do what they want with the complimentary rooms and it is to their advantage that they can make extra money this way.
Posts by bobld
Convention Hotel "list"- Free rooms for JW/WT "dignitaries"?
by Darth Fader The Sequel inin all my years of being a jw, one of the more annoying aspects to me was each year sitting through the service meeting review part about what was expected (see: demanded) behavior and policies that the rest of us rank and file were ordered to comply with to attend a district convention.
the minutia in this part and the over-reaching set of rules were enough to drive me into a lather of rage at the audacity of these people thinking they could and should control every single aspect of my attendance to this "free" and voluntary convention.
from what clothing i can wear on my trip to and from the convention city, to what clothing i can wear before and after each day of the convention, to what i should be doing after each day instead of eating dinner and enjoying some good times with good friends, to insisting on wearing a ridiculous name badge, to what i should eat for lunch and where i should eat lunch and what is the appropriate container to keep my lunch in, to .................. the list is endless!!!!!!!!
Our Spin On Sunday's Lesson "Spending Long Periods Of Time At Beth-hell and R.B.C Might Lead to Homosexuality or Incest.
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker insunday's lesson is a doosy, it's very good advice for all jws with professional skills and abilities to avoid offering up their time for any period over a week, lest they might get lured in to a sexual relationship with another man, woman or animal or perhaps incest?.
why does the watchtower have problems with jws who have jobs that require long stays and travel?
keeps them off welfare and provides for their familes, they are control freaks!.
What a bull tail story.Stupid they should read their own story of "Robert Wallen particular p16 priveleges of service in the same mag.Wivies were not allowed to travel with their husbands when they visited branch facilities.
Reading the watchtower boggles the mind
by bobld inexample:march 2014 wt mentioned how to providing care for the elderly.wait let us go back to the january 2014 wt page 29 p.15 says in part" what about those of you who have made sacrifices to serve jehovah full time,such as:gave up promising careers,successful business,simplify your life,remained unmarried or if married decided to forgo having childern to make yourself available for bethel service,international construction work,circuit work,or missionary service.should you feel that the sacrifices you made were unnecessary or ill-timed?
not at all!.
bethel service oh they kicked me out when i got old..and told me to see your timely advice in the march 2014 wt..
Example:March 2014 wt mentioned how to providing care for the elderly.Wait let us go back to the January 2014 wt page 29 p.15 Says in part" What about those of you who have made sacrifices to serve Jehovah full time,such as:gave up promising careers,successful business,simplify your life,remained unmarried or if married decided to forgo having childern to make yourself available for Bethel service,international construction work,circuit work,or missionary service.Should you feel that the sacrifices you made were unnecessary or ILL-TIMED? Not at all!
BETHEL SERVICE oh they kicked me out when I got old..and told me to see your timely advice in the March 2014 wt.
Was there something legally that demanded a quick response for k.h. donations(pledges)
by bobld inright the dec. 2013 awake p.9.there are some 750,000 j.w.
in brazil.since march 2000,local witnesses build or repaired 3,647 kingdom halls.the way i see it, that is 205 publishers per kingdom hall.i think brazil is ok for kingdom halls.. a few years ago durning a c.o.
visit he mentioned that thousands of new k.h.
Do they really need these k.h. right away.In the Dec. 2013 Awake p.9.There are some 750,000 J.W. in Brazil.Since March 2000,local Witnesses build or repaired 3,647 kingdom halls.The way I see it, that is 205 publishers per kingdom hall.I think Brazil is ok for kingdom halls.
A few years ago durning a C.O. visit he mentioned that thousands of new K.H. were being buildt in 3rd world countries due to the generous support of the wwkh fund. Just research their publications and see if they are telling the truth.You know much like the quick annoucement,Re:voluntary donation for mags.
Rooming request
by paladin inwe received a phone call from the summer convention rooming department representative.
he requested that our complimentary room payment for our three day stay be paid at the rooming dept.
and not to the hotel.
Finkelstein-There is a pre-arrangement for these complimentary(free) rooms.That is why they asked Paladin to make a paymet directly to the Watchower.They must be hard up for brothers to make payment to WT directly for hotels rooms that they stay in without some kind of reason.That is why they are picking on someone that is a little naeve.Or brothers are getting wise to their scam and they can't find enough bro to pay for all these free rooms.Also to Paladin how far in advance are they asking for payments.
Rooming request
by paladin inwe received a phone call from the summer convention rooming department representative.
he requested that our complimentary room payment for our three day stay be paid at the rooming dept.
and not to the hotel.
That is the D.C. scam.That is why they want you to stay at the recommended hotel rooms.They make arrangments with hotels that they will book x number of rooms and the hotel will give them so many free rooms.These free rooms are then paid for by sellected publishers directly to the WBTS.They (wt) will not tell you that thay got these rooms for free.Now you see how the scam works and they make big money off of D.C. oh sorry they are now called R.C.
Anyone that books x number of rooms at a hotel will get a discount or free rooms ie weddings.The evil slaves make money off people like you Paladin.Don't pay the watctower convention , you pay the hotel instead screw them.
Advice not worth 2 farts
by bobld inwhat i am talking about is the march 15,2014 wt articles on aged and care for the elderly.i mean no disrepect to farts.actually farts are beneficial however,the resultant gawful smell stinks to high heaven.. ask these aged and elderly ones today what advice did they get in the sixies.did they receive any financial planning,pre-retirement advice,plan for medical costs,tax accountancy,debt recovery banking,etc..or you will never get old,no need for education,don't have childern the end is they say the childern(which they weren't to have) have the responsilibity to take care of the elderly.. their advice is more like the resultant of a fart..
What I am talking about is the march 15,2014 wt articles on aged and care for the elderly.I mean no disrepect to farts.Actually farts are beneficial however,the resultant gawful smell stinks to high heaven.
Ask these aged and elderly ones today what advice did they get in the sixies.Did they receive any financial planning,pre-retirement advice,plan for medical costs,tax accountancy,debt recovery banking,etc..OR You will never get old,no need for education,don't have childern the end is near.Now they say the childern(which they weren't to have) have the responsilibity to take care of the elderly.
Their advice is more like the resultant of a fart.
Well, what can you say???? I am speechless.
by DATA-DOG inexhibit a:.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
It is sad that so many JW listen to the faulty wisdom of the GB/FDS.The GB/FDS has been saying the end is so near,get a part time job so you can be in the full time service,there is little value in this system of things.Than they turn around and say,we are getting old in this system and have to prepare for it.Can't they make up their minds.Oh! sorry they knew all along that we would get old and die and there never was "the end is oh so close".A good scam.
BOE re:Adjusted Process to Accelerate Kingdom Hall Construction
by TTATTelder inmay 12, 2014. to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: adjusted process to accelerate kingdom hall construction.
dear brothers:.
"Each BOE will also need to ensure that sufficient funds are retained in their individual Cong account to cover all resolutions,such as K.H.A.A.,T.O.A.,and the NEWLY established WORLD WIDE KINGDOM HALL and ASSEMBLY HALL construction."
So why are they taking MONEY from the operating expense budget box.If they are short on funds from their NEWLY NEW W.W.H.H and A.H. (pass the plate) box.
They are going to charge members monthly fees now! Society Tyranny
by MysticMage inwell there you have it folks.
they have passed around pieces of paper for each publisher to write.
down how much they are willing to give the society every month for their entire lives!.
13,000 K.H.,2 Cong. per K.H. of 200 pubs equals over 5,000,000 100 pubs/cong still equal over 2.5 mil.
No no no just doesn,t compute.They are up to no good.