See January 15,2015 watchtower.On page 2 Cesar and his wife Rocio owned a 2200 square foot dream home.They both worked and had no children. In 2009 (note USA was in a financial crisis) WT-HQ N.Y. sent out a request for skilled workers for their branch facilities expansion in Wallkill,New York.Cesar and Rocio simplified their life by converting their garage into a studio apartment and moving in and renting their dream home.Thus they would be available on short notice for work in N.Y.
Their neighbor(which Cesar and Rocio associated with) Jose and Rosa(stay home mom) and their four children ages 6 month to 8 year lost his job and the bank was foreclosing on their home.You would think a true Christian would have a heart and see an opportunity to help this family(1 John 3:17-19 living bible).And let them stay rent free in the dream home.
Footnote; January broadcast mentioned that university educated people were not required and January watchtower 15, mentioned they require architects,engineers,etc.