I couldn't agree w/this more. i got lucky and found the love of my life, on my first try in dating a "wordly" man. we took things slow - we were best friends before we even kissed. now we live together, and i couldn't be happier. he is patient, honest, and giving. there are no personality shows to please "friends". there are no rules to live by simply for social graces.
my sister is coming home in a few months - she's been zelously pioneering in another country for the past year. i am now preparing to be shunned, seeing as how i am a drifter, but my sister is a strong gossiping member of the org. nothing like car group gossip to catch everyone up on what the "inactive" members of your family are up to, followed by a pitiful shake of the head, and a "that's so sad, she was so faithful!".
i am still faithful, to the person who loves me unconditionally. i even told him the other day, that i must be lucky. all the married women in my former religion said they hated sex, but i like it. so i must be lucky. :) or - take out the religous sex rules, and then you can really find out what the person you are with wants/needs. have a "no one is watching" mentality. sorry - is this too personal? i think it's a reality though, for anyone leaving the org.