I came across this website but don't understand what it is. anyone have an idea??
i came across this website but don't understand what it is.
anyone have an idea??.
I came across this website but don't understand what it is. anyone have an idea??
i've been a jw all my life and am thoroughly convinced this is the truth.
but there is one thing that i just don't understand.
many jw's believe that people who get resurrected in the new system will not get married.
p.s.: you said: "Scientists estimate that mankind has learned 3% of what earth has to offer, and thats after 6000 years of human history". be careful how you reason on this: do scientists say there are only 6000 years of human history?
i've been a jw all my life and am thoroughly convinced this is the truth.
but there is one thing that i just don't understand.
many jw's believe that people who get resurrected in the new system will not get married.
Hi Nemail, I don't have an answer to your question, because I don't believe in the 1000 yr. reign of christ post armageddon anymore. sorry. welcome to the forum though. :) there are a lot of unanswered questions, just be sure to always stick to what YOU are convinced of, not what you are told is "probable". we are given reasoning minds for a very important reason. best of luck to you. SB
this was on another thread.
since that thread died a slow death, i thought this question from this newbie, needed to be answered.
i have an extra topic to give away.
well, this isn't really a scandal thought, but it's food for thought for your JW friend: the bibe says not to charge your brother interest on a loan. (where that is found, i can't remember, and i don't have my handy dandy reference edition of the new world translation with me at the moment. i'm sure your friend can find this scripture - then probably argue that this reasoning is "out of contex". ha ha - they are good at that.) anyhow: the watchtower bible and tract society and subsequent corporations that make up this religion, collect donations from congregations. then say, that same congregation wants to build a kingdom hall. the "society" (watchtower organization, in case your not familiar with the "lingo"), will LOAN money to that same congregation that has been sending donations to them for years. they will then allow that congregation to pay them back in monthly payments WITH INTEREST. so, collect money from a group of people, then turn around and loan money to them with interest. it's brilliant really. not really a scandal, because it's legal. but i never understood how this was truly christian, even when i was putting my dollars in the donation boxes. SB
in another thread we were reminded that the brooklyn head counters had recently added.
alaska to the us, instead on having its statistics separate in the yearbook.. could anyone tell us when this happened.
just wondering if this was the reason for the.
Alaska's district overseer's wife died. They were sent to alaska like in the 70's to oversee the branch (in alaska, the branch overseer was also the district overseer). it's been a few years since lucy passed away, i think they probably just didn't want to send another couple to run the place. the alaska branch is just an office w/a KH attached and a house for the district/branch overseer. it's a pretty small operation.
never believing that a foreskin was a birth defect, i left my sons intact...( called genital integrity in some circles).
what, if anything, makes circumcision less of a mutilation than fgm?.
dont kill the questioner!!
i saw an Oprah show a long time ago about female genital mutilation. the women remember it happening, there are no anasthetics used, and they have no sex drive. they felt distant from their mates, and felt like they were incomplete.
FGM and circumsision (sp??) in my opinion, are not even comparable.
getting your ears peirced is mutilation too...
it's your decision to make.
it would be as wrong of this community to insist everyone donate blood as it is of the cult to insist otherwise.
here is something to think about:
do you have a problem being an organ doner? most people don't, and i think the WBTS says organs are "a concience matter".
do you have a problem being a tissue doner? most people don't, after all, tissue is practically an organ.
well, blood is classified as a tissue. BLOOD IS CLASSIFIED AS A TISSUE.
why wait until we are dead to donate tissue?
it seems to me that they're slowly dismantling the date theology that ties the end times to this period in history.
first, they updated the generation teaching to mean a figurative generation, thus removing the possibility in the near future when all who were alive in 1914 are dead.
then, they abandoned 1935 so the annointed will never die off, and prove their belief that the annointed will see armageddon wrong.
my prediction: there will be an entire year of assembly programs around the world about keeping the faith despite changing doctrine, "as the light gets brighter". Then, the 1914 bomb will drop, and those w/o faith in the ever brightening blinding light will be DF'ed, and the "strong of faith" will get promoted in the congregation and then the new recruits will know nothing of the1914 scandal. it will be thrown in the pile w/all the other failed years that are explained away.
i have been a lurker for the last year...finally got the courage to post.
i guess you could say that i have successfully completed a "fade", although that was not my initial intent.
due to my being in an "unscriptural" separation for a number of months, (that, combined with my paranoia, hence, the alias) i have been forced to go underground.
Hi Bourne,
I don't post much anymore, but today I'm on a kick. :) Welcome to the forum, I hope you are able to be subtly "inactive", it sounds like it's working out for you. I look forward to reading about your future experiences.
just wanted to share something with you all.
about a month ago i call my very active jw father and ask him a few questions about an awake article (the famous one oct 8 1968) and about the "obedience and submission" article and to call me back and give me some information.. well he did not call back and friday my sister in law calls me and tells me that some jw are saying i am an apostate.
i ask were did they get that from ( because i have not talk to any jw about my findings, except my dad) and to my surprise she said my dad.
weird, i havn't posted on this forum for months, and the reason i signed on today is b/c at the last assembly some "sisters" approached my mom crying, saying they heard i was apostate. my mom made up a reason to avoid embarassment, something like, "no no, she left because someone stumbled her, but she still loves jehovah".this seemed to console them she said. but i thought, "what? who is so quick to label me apostate, when no one talks to me anymore?". simply not going to "meetings", and giving no viable explanation, leaves the jw's dumb founded. they are so used to being handed an explanation for everything that baffles them, that when there is no explanation for someone's actions, they are handed a label to explain it all. (if that scentence makes any sense...).
what i have found helpful w/angry family, is to prove to them i am a better person than have ever been. they don't need to know my reasons for leaving the wt; all they need to know is that i love them. kill them w/kindness, it really does work. it doesn't work on all my former "best friends" and "brothers and sisters", but it seems to work w/family. but i am lucky i guess, b/c my mom was never baptized, she's just a four decade "study", so she's a little more liberal, i mean, "weak" :), and my sister knows how to be just fake enough to spend an hour or two w/me a month. (in secret of course).
anyways, i'm rambling. i hope a little empathy helped. :)