I was never allowed to join any organized sport.
Hated the door to door thing, but went anyway.
Never learned to have my own opinion, but always ment and did what I thought was expected.
But maybe these are "ordinary" sacrifices?
Posts by kifoy
Out of the ordinary sacrifices you've made
by REBORNAGAIN inwhat kind of unusual sacrifices did you make as a jdub?
i knew a sister who avoided nail polish because a householder didn't like it.
she wanted to please the lady.
Dinosaurs and the Bible
by zennin inif you were a jw (!!
), how would you explain dinosaurs and the bible?
Dinosaurs and the Bible
by zennin inif you were a jw (!!
), how would you explain dinosaurs and the bible?
If I remember correctly, I learned (or had the understanding) that the dinosaurs were put on earth on the 5th and/or the beginning of the 6th day of creation, and removed again before the man was created.
This must have been after they received new light on the lenght of one creation day, of course...
There was an Awake in the mid 90's, wasn't it, about the dinosaurs? I remember the illustration of the size of the gigantic brontosaur (or something) compared to a human.
But I can't remember if the articles said anything about when they lived, and what happened.
kifoy -
wow so much love
by Dianna ini really didnt expect a lot of people to respond to my message.
now i see why my friend insisted me on posting something on here.
thank you very much for your support for the people that answered to my message.
Dianna. You will learn that there is so much love in this world! And the love you find here _really_ can be unconditional!
As a JW we learned that the world is a dangerous place, with bad people. And if you visit the world, you'll end up as a prostitute using drugs...
But out in this world, I've found friendship I could never dream of inside the borg.
Best wishes to you, and keep posting!
I bet you have a billion questions. Don't hesitate to post them here
kifoy -
Was Your Field Service Report Accurate?
by minimus indid you typically "fudge" your report??
i did.
Usually I would give a correct report. At least as correct as possible.
Sometimes I had to guess because I during the month had forgotten to write down the hours and deliveries after beeing in FS.
But if I were in doubt (does that visit count as a return visit?), I would usually do the count in my favor.
Though, I wouldn't give myself credit for more deliveries than I really had (especially not books), because then it would be expected even more return visits, and I hated them.
kifoy -
What made you get baptized?
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inbasically, i was forced into it.
believe me, baptism was the last thing i wanted to do.
but i was already in my early twenties, and the rank and file were like why don't you get baptised!
Had no choice really...
kifoy -
Did you get a little pressured to get baptized young?
by outofthebox inwe saw an elder the other night trying to convince a couple of kids that they were ready to be unbaptized publishers.
and then he went and added that he was baptized very young and they should too.
so, these two kids were feeling the pressure.
As somebody already has mentioned, the pressure was not very overt. But it was not that subtle ether.
I saw that my friends of the same age, were much more respected after being baptized. (And I was constantly compared with my more enthusiastic friends).
My mother cried when I was 12-13 and still had not become a publisher, and asked me why I would not take a stand.
As long as I was not baptized, the pioneers would "count hours" on me when between districts.
I felt I was worth nothing as long as I was unbaptized.
So, no pressure at all...
My parents still can't see that it really was pressure that got me baptized.
When I eventualy got baptized at the age of 15, it all turned around.
I felt respected for the first time in my life.
I was happy, and felt I had dne the right thing... for some months.
Then started the pressure to begin (aux) pioneering.
"When will you become a pioneer?", one pioneer brother asked me when I was about 18.
I think I answered that I didn't know. If I had said that I didn't want to, I guess I would have had to answer even more questions.
That pressure eventually got me to DA.
So, no pressure at all...
kifoy -
What is the key that unlocks the mental grip of the WT?
by LennyinBluemont inive wondered this from time to time, especially in trying to figure out how i finally broke free and in looking at the stories of others.
if you asked me a few years ago, i probably would have said either seeing too much hypocrisy or suffering the last straw of spiritual and/or emotional abuse.
but i know in my case and others, even that wasnt enough to break the mental shackles.
I agree that not going to meetings play a great role in the daily life. I went to my last meeting almost 7 years ago. Soon I did not think much about it, no bad concience, and I went on with my life. But for many years, when my husband asked me questions about JW teachings I would still defend them. I could not live a JW life, but deep inside I still thought they were right. Maybe not "The Truth", but when the WT said that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607, so was it. So in some way I was still under some sort of "mental grip".
Looking back, I think it was all the small questions that my husband asked me, that I could not answer, that little by little released the grip. And the turning piont, if I remember correctly, was when he found out about all the lies and dishonesty in qouting in the creation book (the blue one). It took a long time before I had the guts to visit this site, but when I did, that also was a big help in learning the "real truth about the truth".
So I would say that time, resarch and patient friends/family (non JW) is the key.
kifoy -
How many of you had book studies held in your home?
by FreedomFrog inmy ex and i did for several years in our new home.
i was excited at first because that meant we were "good" dubs.
after about 6 months someone stuck their finger in our candle we had burning in the bathroom and splashed wax all over our new bathroom wall.
We sometimes had the book study at our place when I was a child. I thought it was really nice, because we did not have to leave the house and it did not take a long time to get home againg because we already were there.
I grew up in a small cong, so it was only around 9-12 people at our book study. The people in our cong were nice and did not destroy anything as far as I can remember.
Here in Norway we always remove our shoes in the hallway before we enter the living room. We sometimes bring our own slippers, but never walk into the house with our outdoor shoes.
So the carpets (if there are any) are not being messed up.
And of course, when the book study finished I could go to my room and change clothes
My mom made me at least wait until the guests had left (unless someone stayed a little longer for supper), but I always ripped off my skirts and put on the trousers pretty fast.
kifoy -
"Once upon a time, the Watchtower and Awake each used to be mailed to homes."
Of course! Now I remember.
I just couldn't fit the English word with anything I remembered form the JW life in my own language
And it is quite a long time since I had those subscription forms in my FS bag.
Thanks for the reminder.