But now, instead of pocketing the money that we got when we "placed" a magazine or book, since we had already paid for them, we were now expected to bring any donations back to the hall. But we've already "donated" for the cost of the book...any monies collected and donated would be a double donation on the same publication.
I was never a good donator. And I did not always donate for the literature I picked up. I felt bad about it for a short time, then forgot about it (I always forgot to bring cash to the meetings). Though, I used to donate the money I received in FS (the few coins I got). It kind of made up for the donations I did not bring myself.
I remember shortly after the new arrangement (don't sell, ask for donations) was in place, we were some people visiting a young couple. We were talking about how many donations we received and put on the money box. The husband of the house (soon-to-be MS) began to look bothered, and asked: "Ehr.... do you not put them in your pocket? I already donated and paid for the magazines, I thought I could keep the money..."
I remember now shocked I was (how could he keep the donations for himself?). And felt really sorry for him. Hehe. He was really ashamed. Priceless