" I do hope Rush Limbaugh is saved by a black lesbian doctor with questionable immigration status."
HL, you forgot the bone in her nose.
Obviously you do not listen to Rush and only spew what you hear or better yet, what you are told to spew...
just saw the newsflash on cnn (10:30 est wed 30 dec 2009).
seems he had serious chest pains while playing golf in hawaii and was rushed to the hospital.
not sure where the "serious condition" part came from but that's what was reported.. even those of us who disagree with most of what he says wish him no harm and a speedy recovery.. however, when you are that full of shit, it takes a toll on your body.. rub a dub.
" I do hope Rush Limbaugh is saved by a black lesbian doctor with questionable immigration status."
HL, you forgot the bone in her nose.
Obviously you do not listen to Rush and only spew what you hear or better yet, what you are told to spew...
should have left some magazines..
if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that.
you will never grow old in this present system of things... .all evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... as a young person you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
if you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career.
It's amazing that people still follow the society's teaching based on this one simple belief. Trust me college was never even mentioned in our home when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. It was "get a job to support yourself, a decent apartment and three months expenses in the bank". What a bunch of crap! We had one of our elder's son go to college and then to law school. My mom said he was "going to become an attorney for the society". Well guess what? He is now an ambulance chaser in Vegas..Silly isn't it? Anyway, good for him for going against the grain at the time.
i'm about to embark on a new sales career in 2010, working in sales of renewable energy products - wind turbines, heat pumps, solar panels and solar pv electricity.
i've been in sales for almost 40 years, and enjoy the buzz sales can bring.
i shall be self-employed, and have to supply my own vehicle and surveying equipment - there's no basic wage, or expenses - just a fairly high sales commission on 'closed' deals.
I strongly believe in karma and have had no problems keeping my ethics in commercial real estate; and actually I have been blessed even in this economy.
pat of oleotelling competitors they better "bring it"talk to the hand
..if this system lasts
we're killing the fattened young bull and having osso bucco (spell?
) tonight.
i'm going to the airport right now to pick up my long-time dfed, over 20-years shunned, gay older brother!.
Wish you the best! You will have a lot to catch up with. I will bring the cabernet for the Osso Bucco,,yum!
on friday, one of the patients who is a jw gave the doc the latest mags.. at lunchtime, the doc handed them to me and asked if i wanted to read them.
(if you remember, i am df'ed and the cleaning lady at work made a point of making sure the doc i work for knows it.).
i took them and said, "you're not going to read them?".
If I see the magazines, I will sometimes bring them home and start reading them in front of my wife and two boys. I tell them that I have a need to do some door knocking and that we won't have any Christmas this year and that they will have to start getting up early on Saturday mornings. They go crazy and tell me I'm nuts! ..a bundle of fun those magazines are.
Miss you..
open mind recently posted the thread "honesty-in-field-service-reports" in relation to the borg requesting that all brothers & sisters report their time honestly.. well, a dub friend of mine recently told me the following story.
i'd also like to add that the co has also added the following story in his talks as the bit of humour all co's are required to do in order to make sure that the audience is still awake.. here goes........ a sister had a dream that she had a great day out on the ministry.
it was so good, that she worked out how long she was asleep (8 hours) and added the 8 hours to her monthly report.. now, some of you may think that's funny?
I still have nightmares of going in service..
He is absent during the cold winter months unless he comes out to receive some liberal award. He will be back in the summer when it is supposed to be warm again.