My brother and I were both raised in the org. I faded about 25 years ago and it was easy. At the time my first wife and I moved to the other side of our large city and the elders at the new hall barely new us, so they didn't miss us much when we stopped service and meeting attendance. We received a couple elder visits but we would just never answer the door. Then we moved to yet another part of the city, divorced and we were both successfully off the radar. However, my brother got so fed up with everything that he disassociated himself. My parents have not spoken to him in over 5 years and it kills him and my mother mostly. My dad just keeps with the same GB worship and forbids my mom from speaking to my brother. They still speak to me and the fact that I live in another state makes my life as easy as it could be in that regard. I know that if my dad were to pass first, that my mother would reinstate her relationship with my brother. My dad would give his life if the GB asked him to do so. My brother and I joke that if dad would have been an extreme Muslim, we would both be dead already! Anyway damn the GB and their lies!