James it has nothing to do with hating America.
I am a proud amercian , proud of my beautiful country and its loving citizens,
It;s about a goverment that cares little for human life, including the lives of American soldiers.
It's about being hypocrites and filling church pews every Sunday and proclaiming we are Christians , yet ignoring the fact Christ taught only love and forgiveness .
Its about being ready to hand over all our freedoms because of a 911 attack,to the goverment.
Because we are such cowards and so fearful for our own skins that we believe the lies the goverment tells that they can keep us safe.
Its not about hating America, for those of us who love it, its about not dishonoring the nation in the name of war mongers , who really only care about the money , oil and power that comes with war.
For me as a christian its about , not at least speaking up as my country kill's hundreds of thousands of innocents around the world.
God won't be able to hold that sin against me, as I holler long and loud we should not have troopps in 120bases around the world.
We should bring them home , put them guarding the borders , and growl like a pit bull dog when another nation or terroists even looks our way. Presto problem solved.