Kw 13 ,
Let me take a stab at answering your questions?
your asking why does God allow suffering in this nasty old world? Correct?
Imagine Michael Jordan on the basket ball court all by himself. He's dribbling and shooting. you don't know him ,he seems adequate at basketball , nothing more. Now put him in competition with another player.
hey this is interesting. Michael Jordan is a great basketball player when you see him compared to another. He's fabulous , the best there is compared with another player. Its just that way with God, how could we ever know how great he is without the comparison of evil to know it?
God did know when he made all of creation that sin and evil would happen in in his heavenly beings. he knew ahead of time that Satan would cause a revolt in heaven. But God wanted beings , both among mankind and heavenly beings that could commune with and love him, he did not want robots, so he gave us free will. He knew that free will would lead to millions of problems and much suffering but he must have felt it was worth it for in the end we will be able to walk and talk with God on a intelligent level and not as mindless robots.
We think in our human suffering that it's a emergency that it stop, now we cry we want relief from suffering now.
What we forget is that our human lifetimes are just a blip on the screen to God's time. he lives in eternity and our suffering is short lived to him. Not to us, but it is to God. Kinda like telling your child a hundred times not to touch the heater its hot. Then one day you see that child gently put its hand towards the heater. You realize its never going to listen as you've told it a hundred times to stay away from the heater, so this is the perfect time, its going slow, its gently going to put its hand on the heater. So you let it knowing that yes it will get burned , but only a little , much better it learn that lesson now than one day running full force and falls head first in the heater and is burned beyond repair.
Without the night we'd never appreciate the suns rays . Without sickness most take being fit and healthy for granted.
Without sadness, we'd not know what real happiness is. Without evil and misery we'd never know just how loving and great God is when he gets rid of evil and misery in the world.
When this mess we call humanity is over the good news is we will all praise him for his ordering and numbering of the things of the world.
The bible says so.
The bible also says that even though we might not understand why people are taken from the world much too soon , we should have faith, because how do we know that they were not taken to save them from something else that was coming much worse down the road?
Starving children in Africa for instance. They live short miserable lives. yet they are maybe the lucky ones are they not?
They don't have to endure a world full of hate and war as we do. They live a short life then go to God. I'd say thats mercy.
Who else would you worship except God , who else is worthy of worship, except the one who gives life to everything?
The bible is a instruction manual and its not flawed believe me. . I know where your coming from on whats up with the bible.
All Gods favorites were worse sinners than most of us have ever known.
Moses a murder, and partial to strange women
King David had his mistress 's husband murdered because he knocked her up while her husband was away fighting a war for him. Heck of a nice guy that David.
Abraham lied and told people his wife was his sister, to save his own skin even though he knew she'd be raped .
Soloman and his 1002 wifes and concubines who turned him away from God with thier strange religions.
Women should leave the village when they are on thier period and thier husbands are unclean if they even brush thier hands together during that time.
God admits he made the Ostrich so stupid it steps on and kills its own eggs and is too stupid to know its just killed its own off spring.
God allows Satan to tempt his own son and allows that son to die on a cross a agonizing death.
It all sounded crazy to me when I first read it. Heck it sounded crazy to me for the first ten times I read it,
But its not and with prayer for understanding and teaching you will see that it is not crazy too.
The bible talks about christians being feed different strength foods as they are ready to recieve. The foods being the words and ways of God. Some are fed water and milk, as they progresss they are fed wine and milk.
Babes in Christ cannot expect to start a diet of wine and meat till they have first recieved all God has to teach them being fed water and milk .
if your serious about studying the bible start each study time with a prayer in Jesus Christ the son of God name.
Ask for wisdom and knowledge about the word of God.
Ask and ye shall recieve , but you have to ask first. Once you ask , you'll be amazed at how the bible becomes clearer and clearer to you as you read and grow with the Holy Spirits Help.
The bible tells us that hearing they will not hear and seeing they will not see. God does this , he has made the bible simple enough for even a child to comprehend, but prayer and asking is the key to unraveling its mysteries.
you want to believe , Bravo. Pray also for unshakeable faith.
Prayer is the key to it all. Thats the part about free will again. Its true God does call some from birth , but most he wait's on them to come to him. You can only go to him in prayer. Soloman asked for wisdom and knowledge of God and he recieved it.
I did too as have many millions upon millions over the years and I recieved.