What an example of brainwashing at it's ultimate best!
Is God so flighty that he cannot make up his mind? Is God a liar? NO!
What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled.
The whole business of "new light" flies in the face of this reasoning. Seems like he deliberately misled the flock ... only to redirect them later.
HOW can you possibly be claiming to obey Jehovah's 2 greatest commandments (To love God with your whole heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as Jesus loved us) how can you claim to be obeying Jehovah's two greatest commandments and yet NOT feel the urge to help them overcome it!
Jesus also encouraged us to love even our ENEMIES. How exactly is this love displayed? What about that unconditional love Christians are bound to show (agape). Her skewed reasoning seems to lump all types of love together. There are different types of love for differing relationships, and they come with their own set of rules.
I understand being busy, but the thought that comes to mind is this: If you do not take time for Jehovah, why should he take time for you?
Would a thought like this come to God's mind as well? Would a God "who IS love" reason like this? God's unconditional love is extended to everyone regardless of their time management. He provides for everyone. Does he not judge our heart condition, while mankind judges the outward appearance?
I wish you the best, but I will not answer your questions. If you're serious abuot finding them then either start a study with the witnesses or seek Jehovah, and if your heart is pure, He may decide to open your heart up to understanding. But I will not answer your questions for reasons already given numerous times. Repetition of your question is not going to change that.
Is there any example in the bible of Jesus responding to anyone in such a callous manner? The son of God was a meek and humble person whom even children felt comfortable around. He even ignored tiredness and hunger in his ministry ... the sheep were very important to him.