Incredibly aggressive email I received from a JW

by jwfacts 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jwfacts

    I put the following comment on about changes to Watchtower Revelation doctrine.

    There have been three different versions of ‘God given light’ in the Watchtower publications so far;
    1. Calvin Studies in the Scriptures Series VII- The Finished Mystery p.151 "Calvin is entitled to the honor of having at one time been a papal star .... Is called Wormwood. -- What an ideal name for the doctrine which has caused more bitterness against God than any other doctrine ever taught, and for the man who roasted Servetus at the stake"
    2. Satan Light I pp.126, 127 "The 'great star' falling from heaven as a burning lamp was Satan .... The name of this star is called 'Wormwood', which means bitter. Being cast out of heaven Satan is in the 'gall of bitterness'"
    3. Clergy of Christedom Then is Finished the Mystery of God pp.224, 225 “In view of these features about it. what religious class of people could this blazing, falling 'great star' picture but the apostate Christian clergy of Christendom, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant and otherwise sectarian? . . . But what should have been spiritual 'water' to sustain the spiritual life of the peoples, the apostate Christian clergy have turned into undrinkable, deadly, bitter wormwood waters…false, pagan, unchristian, unbiblical doctrines …
    Quite obviously the doctrine of the Watchtower Society is not directed by holy spirit.

    I could not believe the venom in the following email that a JW sent me.

    From: El Conqistador

    Subject: apostate/ hater of God

    Message: your comment about the book of revolation is so misguided. what you do not realize is that in the bible God says that the light of knowledge will continue to get brighter for his true servants. the bible also tells us of people like you. dont you think its kind of interesting that your screen name is JWfacts. you spend all this time trying to lie about others people. lets say hypothetically that your right; why do you feel the need to talk all this bad stuff about others? why not choose murders or terrorist? you have chosen Gods people for a reason. thats b/c your being influenced by Satan the devil. you may already know this or you may think im crazy. either way its the truth and you know it. I cannot wait until your god Satan is destroyed along with all of his followers who do nothing but make this (satans world) a even worse place to live.

    Bottom line: get a life, read your bible and accept the truth within it! your headed down the wrong path and if you do not turn around you will be destroyed in the final days which are soon to be here.

    also dont try and talk to me because i will be blocking all of your communications. Thanks and may Jehovah God judge you according to your heart.

    So I am a Satanic God hater on the road to judgement and destruction by Jehovah. I know that deep inside a lot of JWs feel this way, but it still shakes me up when they attack me so bluntly.

  • Junction-Guy

    my advice is, consider the source and dont take it personal.

  • DannyHaszard

    Congrads on doing your job well,I get tons of hate mail

  • Scully

    From: El Conqistador

    Subject: apostate/ hater of God

    Message: your comment about the book of revolation is so misguided. what you do not realize is that in the bible God says that the light of knowledge will continue to get brighter for his true servants. the bible also tells us of people like you. dont you think its kind of interesting that your screen name is spend all this time trying to lie about others people. lets say hypothetically that your right; why do you feel the need to talk all this bad stuff about others? why not choose murders or terrorist? you have chosen Gods people for a reason. thats b/c your being influenced by Satan the devil. you may already know this or you may think im crazy. either way its the truth and you know it. I cannot wait until your god Satan is destroyed along with all of his followers who do nothing but make this (satans world) a even worse place to live.

    Bottom line: get a life, read your bible and accept the truth within it! your headed down the wrong path and if you do not turn around you will be destroyed in the final days which are soon to be here.

    also dont try and talk to me because i will be blocking all of your communications. Thanks and may Jehovah God judge you according to your heart.

    Another stellar example of the WTS-education program. Can't spell or communicate properly. What a fine example for the rest of us in "Satan's world". By the way, can't you just feel the LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE oozing out of that message?

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>what you do not realize is that in the bible God says that the light of knowledge will continue to get brighter for his true servants.

    The brainwashing is working! This JW believes that verse in Proverbs is talking about the Watchtower's "New Light".

    It's almost eerie to know that people are walking around with those sorts of gods-gonna-git-ya thoughts in their heads, isn't it?

    It isn't my imagination, is it, that the people who choose to write these types of emails almost always have poor spelling/grammar? I'm not a snob, and I make my share of such errors, but it seems that this sort of letter and poor spelling/grammar go hand in hand. (In this case, grammar and improper word usage takes center stage, while spelling isn't a problem. Perhaps spell check was used?)


  • BFD

    Jws hang themselves with thier own words. I wouldn't give it another thought.


  • Scully

    Why not report this guy to Yahoo. Sending hate mail like that is contrary to their Terms of Use. I would certainly consider being called a follower of Satan and being threatened with being destroyed (and him looking forward to your destruction) as qualifying as hate mail.

  • Finally-Free

    The sad thing is the guy probably thought he was doing you a favour by writing this. He probably even counted his time.

    I've had similar emails from JWs. They quickly get added to my spam filter. After reading and listening to their shit for 30 years I've become bored with it.


  • dedpoet

    Join the club!

    I get plenty of rude and aggressive emails from jws who wander on to my
    website. Most of them seem to have the same standard of education, in
    terms of spelling and grammar, that your guy has. You must be doing a
    good job on the watchtower to get stuff like this.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Mind Control at its finest.

    Wac - Xpert Mind Control aficionado

    Good job!

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