I wondered if you have or will be including a note with your invitation reply card explaining why you don't feel comfortable attending the wedding?
JoinedPosts by truthsearcher
wedding invitation revoked
by jeanne40love ini have been associated with jw's since birth.
i raised my kids in the religion....thinking it was the only way.
recently, my daughter (who was baptized at 15 she is 24 now and has since stopped attending meetings, has been in a relationsip with a man and now has a newborn baby) was invited to a witness wedding and subsequently uninvited b/c she could possibly stumble the jw's who would be attending,since she has had a baby with a non witness and is not married.. .
Contemplating my end here
by Junction-Guy inthis has by far been the best xjw forum i have ever been on, but the time is coming when i must move on to other venues.
the net is very time consuming, and i cant keep up with every post on here, no matter how hard i try.. .
im embarking on a new journey here in the next few months, and i just have to break myself free from the internet.. .
J-G, it is all about self-discipline and....
I have one sitting beside my computer, and when that buzzzer goes, it is time to move on to something else!
You also have to be willing to not read all the threads, be prepared to miss out on something really interesting or juicy, feel dumb when everyone but you knows about an important happening. But that is okay--it means that you are achieving more balance in your life, and that is an important step!
My Church Visit Today felt Strangely JWlike....
by AK - Jeff indon't get me wrong - there were things i enjoyed.
the casual atmosphere and dress.nice people and not pushy.the christian message.wearing my blue jeans and tennis shoes instead of cheap poly suitexposing my g-kids to religious choice without any pressure to commit or conform to anything.i attended the adult sunday school program in the sanctuary while the kids enjoyed children's sunday school in the lower level.
there were only 15 or so adults in attendance.
I don't know what it is like in the States, but here in Canada, the insurance companies are insisting that churches have an active child protection policy in place--at our church this means police checks for all workers, having 2 people with the kids at all times, children not released to people other than parents, bathroom doors left open when a worker has to take them to the washroom, mandatory yearly training, etc. It is our "Plan to Protect" and it is taken very seriously! We believe the Bible when it says that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around your neck and drowned than to harm a little one. However, parents/grandparents need to check out the policies of the church they are visiting.
wedding invitation revoked
by jeanne40love ini have been associated with jw's since birth.
i raised my kids in the religion....thinking it was the only way.
recently, my daughter (who was baptized at 15 she is 24 now and has since stopped attending meetings, has been in a relationsip with a man and now has a newborn baby) was invited to a witness wedding and subsequently uninvited b/c she could possibly stumble the jw's who would be attending,since she has had a baby with a non witness and is not married.. .
Welcome Jeannie
I raised my kids in the religion....thinking it was the only way.
I am sure that you must feel really sad and discouraged to know that you were duped into thinking that the Witnesses were God's true religion. I want to encourage you to rejoice in the fact that your eyes have been opened on that point, and to encourage you to read the Bible (not the NWT either) for yourself and have a relationship with God and Jesus without an organization telling you what is right or wrong, or what to believe. I am sorry for this situation that your daughter has just been through, I'm sure she must be hurt by this "uninvitation". It shows the true nature of the Witness religion--not the most loving people on earth--but on the contrary, very hurtful.
My Church Visit Today felt Strangely JWlike....
by AK - Jeff indon't get me wrong - there were things i enjoyed.
the casual atmosphere and dress.nice people and not pushy.the christian message.wearing my blue jeans and tennis shoes instead of cheap poly suitexposing my g-kids to religious choice without any pressure to commit or conform to anything.i attended the adult sunday school program in the sanctuary while the kids enjoyed children's sunday school in the lower level.
there were only 15 or so adults in attendance.
I'm sorry Jeff that you have had a negative experience at church, especially since you enjoyed your first Memorial so much! Unfortunately, when the Bible speaks about being wary of false teachers creeping into the church, it is addressing the reality that this can happen in any situation, not just the Witnesses. I have heard of 4 or 5 churches that have turned into high control cults (met former members that have left or been kicked out), and no doubt this is a danger anytime when Christians check their brains at the door! I also have attended churches where the pastors were leaning in a dangerous way over time. Just because a church is independent, doesn't mean it can't fall victim to the same type of cultic thinking that plagues the well-organized and well-known "major cults." It usuall causes major division and heartbreak among the church members, and I am convinced that it is a type of spiritual warfare or attack against Christ's Body.
Of course, the dilemna is that the Bible does say that the congregation has shepherds, who are there to help lead the sheep. So how much authority should those shepherds have? This is a hot topic among congregations. How is the church leadership team to be organized--should it be run from the top down, or from the congregation up? Or somewhere in the middle? Where are the checks and balances to ensure that spiritual abuse is not taking place? How do we ensure that the deacons or elders aren't just being the pastor's "yes men"?
As far as your experience goes, shame on them for not previewing the video to ensure that it teaches what the church believes or supports! I hope that someone will speak up and remind them of their responsibility in this matter. Jeff, if you get a chance, express your concerns by phone or in a letter. You will be doing the other members of the church a service!
In the meantime, don't give up your search. We do need fellowship, support, teaching, and corporate worship. Keep reading and studying the Scriptures yourself, so that you can rightly divide the Word of God.
I have succumed to the EVIL of all evils....
by R.F. in....and it's called college!.
that's right, the ultimate evil college is calling my name and i've fallen into the temptation.. my goal is to attend my old university starting in january.
i attended there about 5 years ago but dropped out to further my borg opportunities.
I JUST FOUND OUT.......!!!!!!
by Es inthat im having another baby!!!!!.
just done the test and the line came up straight away....... we were planning on falling pregnant in about three months and happend to fall pregnant straight away...im still in shock but had to share it with you all my family.
luv ya.
Congratulations! Pregnant women are SOOOO beautiful!
How sad that this CULT called the Watchtower, has made it so difficult for you to express the normal affection between a woman and her mother at this time. Moms and daughters should be united in that special understanding of what the pregnancy and birth process is all about!
I hope you are going to breastfeed!
Again, congratulations!
Please welcome NvrKssdNObutt to the board
by purplesofa ini started a thread for this great guy but without his name in the subject.
this is a dear friend that sees the light.
i was dunked in 1972 --- even did a stint as a regular pioneer --- sold the damn tires and wheels off the mobile home to buy gas to preach!.
Greetings from Canada, NKNB!
I'll look forward to hearing about your experiences with the cult. Enjoy reading your Bible without the WT slant. I read mine every day (or at least that is the goal) and always find something to think about and take to heart. If you are interested in more information about 6 day creation (because yes, if you read Genesis literally, then creation was 6 days), try this one:
Happy reading!
(and welcome to Eagle rising, too!)
Tell Us Something We Probably Don't Know About You
by minimus ini'll start.. i love the jerky boys and "prank" candid camera/punked types of humor.. i also love r&b, soul, funk and disco.. now what can you tell us about yourself that we might've never guessed?.
I am learning many things about my fellow JWD posters.
Here are a few facts about me:
I LOVE to play Scrabble and I always win, so noone will play with me any more...
I like watching ballroom dancing
I was the editor/publisher of a small parenting magazine for 4 years--as such I was interviewed a number of times on tv, radio, newspaper, and became a local celebrity.
JWs and Chaperones
by keyser soze inso here's the story.
my brother invited me over to his place, just to hang out, watch movies, etc.
he was supposed to work until 4, so i should come by anytime after that.
For the Witness cult, it is all about appearances and not about the convictions and true spirituality.