I always feed the JWs that come to visit, and they have never refused! I even send "doggy bags" home with them of baking, etc. for later.
JoinedPosts by truthsearcher
Home Witnessing, Did you ever eat at a house or apartment when offered?
by NotaNess inever get any invites to come in and eat or get offered breakfast or lunch, and you did it?.
i think of the scripture of jesus telling those that went before him to villages, to "eat what is offered to you".. makes me want to have a bottle of pepperocinis on hand for a witness visit.
What the C.O. said right there on the Platform
by Uncertain inhe started his talk before rev.bookstudy with all the gloom and doom news and then dropped the (to me) bombshell that he reads the news on line.
yup, i could hear an intake of breath through the hall.
i can't for the life of me remember what the rest of his talk was, although he used a box of crayolas as a prop.
You will remember that I'm a non-babptized perpetual study,
Hey that sounds a bit like me too (not sure about the perpetual part)
and that my screen name is descriptive.
I suggest that you change it to CERTAIN!
I am going to read your other posts and see if you tell your story. If not I would really like to hear more. Welcome to JWD.
Me on Youtube
by Gordy inhere are links to youtube of me telling me story.. please no screaming when you see me .
part 1 <http://youtube.com/watch?v=4sqbsk5okgo> .
part 2 <http://youtube.com/watch?v=k6ysektn54c>.
Thanks Gordy for sharing that personal story with us. How easily an interview like this discusses what must have been a very, very painful process of exposing the Watchtower's lies and the devastation upon your family. You have found now peace through your relationship with Christ, and that is a wonderful thing!
Time again for........ Congregation roll call
by Jourles init's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
Anyone out there from the Meaford or Rockford congregations in Ontario?
I did it for two hours last night....
by AK - Jeff inattended another church service.
i enjoyed the modern music at the beginning of it.
the 'sermon' or message was a discussion of leviticus chapter 3. i found it interesting, but not particularly inspiring.
And yet, if the Bible is true, it seems to indicate that we should care about correct doctrine. The Witnesses would have less converts from Christianity if those Christians knew their Bibles better.
by Vernon Williams into all,.
i wish a thread would start where in everyone would explain why they picked the avatar they have.
i have not found one, yet..... v.
For almost a year,I had a fox hiding among foxhounds, to indicate my status as a "study" who really knew the Watchtower is a cult and was hoping to plant some seeds with my Witness friends. "Truthsearcher" seemed appropriate--I am searching for those who want to know the truth about The Truth. So far I have only found them here on JWD.
Does God love you?
by nvrgnbk ininteresting read.. .
god hates you; but god is hungry and needs you to help him eat your soul.
he chuckles to himself that he cannot only suck out your life and being, but he can make you believe the lie as well.
(emerging from the chocolate ice cream)
Phew! Now I feel strong enough to say that God does love me, and to prove it, Nvr, I'm going to sing you a song:
*ahem, clearing throat*
"Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so"
I know it is not very deep theologically at first glance, but when you really think about it, if Jesus was the incarnate God, then that speaks VOLUMES about the kind of love that God has for us. And I believe the Koine Greek when it says in John that "God was the Word".
Now, excuse me but I think I hear some chocolate chip cookies calling...
Does God love you?
by nvrgnbk ininteresting read.. .
god hates you; but god is hungry and needs you to help him eat your soul.
he chuckles to himself that he cannot only suck out your life and being, but he can make you believe the lie as well.
Oh my, Nvr, you really should warn me in the thread title before you post stuff like that!
TS (picking self up off the floor and heading to the fridge for some chocolate to feel better )
by Lloyd Braun inhello all ex-jw's long time lurker first time posting.
obviously my name is not my real name but i don't want to reveal my real name for fear of shunning obviously.
i have really appreciated much of what this site offers in vast amounts of information that is valuable to me.
Well, now that you have decided to join the fun here on JWD, I hope we will hear from you on many matters. If you are in my area, I am always glad to have discussions of faith with Witness or exWitness visitors--plus you are guaranteed some yummie baking :) One day, someone from JWD will actually take me up on this, and I will rejoice that there is someone else in this lonely place who hasn't been hoodwinked by the organization!
Join me in pouring some love on Mouthy here on JWD!!!
by truthsearcher ini talked to grace this morning and she sounded like things have been rough for her lately, so join me in expressing your love and appreciation for our jwd granny!
That's right, folks, keep the love coming! Mouthy, I hope these thoughts cheer you up. I don't think I did such a great job on the phone, but it was delightful to hear from you again, especially when things have been rough for you.
Who is up for visiting Mouthy's new neighbourhood and knocking on doors to EXPOSE the lie and share Mouthy' story? I know, I know, we should be doing that in our own neighbourhoods too. Anyway, if I know Mouthy, she will be doing as much as she can to spread the word that it was all a fraud...something about putting up WANTED posters for pedofiles...