The Truthsearcher Jrs. are my favourite Canadian musicians--such talented offspring !
JoinedPosts by truthsearcher
Great Canadian music
by Guest with Questions inwhat is your favourite?
heres just a few of mine.
because im in a mellow mood tonight i will play more of that kind of music.. neil young:
It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time yay!!! :)
by lola28 inas you can tell i love christmas and it's less than a month away, a lot of people start to shop for gifts next week, so i want to know what's on your wishlist this year, anyone wanna share?.
Tonight, I performed a Christmas concert in an orchestra with 2 of my children. Then we attended a Christmas banquet. It was lots of fun and a good start to the season. Last year, I didn't decorate much because we were meeting regularly with the local Witnesses. This year, they haven't been around, so I will enjoy decking the halls again. For our family, it is about celebrating the gift of the Saviour, and expressing our love to one another.
Just finished talking to an old JW friend....
by R.F. in....and it was all that i expected.. she and i were extremely close at one time, but we sort of lost touch with each other over a year or go or so, not getting to talk to each other much within that time frame.
she's a very hardcore pioneer as i once was.
i think that's why we got along so great.
I wondered if there is any chance of this conversation getting back to the elders and causing trouble for you?
Wish me well on my Greek exam
by truthsearcher inas some of you know, i have been taking koine greek classes.
it is very challenging but i am starting to understand the language (which is a pretty cool thing).
i am writing an exam on monday, so you can think of me sweating it out!
Hi all:
Sorry to have neglected this thread, I have been recovering from the took me several hours to write, plus I had to make up a couple of tests I missed earlier. I think it went very well, and I attempted the extra points section where we had to "intelligently guess" at some of the translation. Nothing to lose by trying, right?
We have a test every class on the new material, so it has been a challenge keeping up, but I use index cards and carry them around with me. Any spare moment, you will find me refreshing my memory. I also draw stick figures on the front to help remember what the word means. That has been really helpful. I also write out charts to try and organize it logically in my brain.
So far, it seems to be working. I am usually however 1-2 classes behind in my understanding of the material. The professor has assured the class that is normal. There is one guy who is so funny: whenever he is asked a question, he just looks up with a blank and confused look of his face and loudly says "Whaaaaaaaaaat?" It makes me laugh, because I am usually thinking the exact same thing. (He also says his awkward translations with a Yoda voice, which is hilarious). We are using J. Gresham Machen's New Testament Greek For Beginners.
My daughter, in high school, is also taking the class with me (that's my pretty angel avatar). So ya know the pressure is REALLY on mom! She is doing great, and I am proud of her for taking up the challenge with me.
There are some wonderful resources on the Internet for learning Greek, and if anyone is interested I can post some web addresses. We had started learning on our own using one website, and then I thought if we went to a college class, it might be easier...and fun...and... what was I thinking?????!!!!!! I have spent way less time on the Internet as a result, so that is probably a GOOD thing...have you missed me, lol?
Anyway, I am glad to know there are others like me with a thirst for knowledge and who have lived to tell the tale!
agape, TS
Reading WT literature/talking to a JW is like talking to a 10 year old.
by dawg inok, so some witnesses left the "watchtower" mag.
at my door the other i picked it up and read it.... it was like reading the logic of a 10 year old.
then when i talk to jw, like my cousins that still talk to me, or like the trolls (jws) who are on the board some nights, i feel as i'm talking to a 10 year old.... like the troll on-line tonight.... do you guys agree?.
I know what you are saying about the "I don't want to know" attitude some of them have. They live in a fantasy world, with their fingers in their ears saying "la, la, la, I can't HEAR youuuuuuuu! And then when you ask them a difficult question, they get that blank look on their face and either repeat a canned answer that doesn't even answer the question or quickly change the topic.
I am so sad for them, because they are living a delusion.
Reading WT literature/talking to a JW is like talking to a 10 year old.
by dawg inok, so some witnesses left the "watchtower" mag.
at my door the other i picked it up and read it.... it was like reading the logic of a 10 year old.
then when i talk to jw, like my cousins that still talk to me, or like the trolls (jws) who are on the board some nights, i feel as i'm talking to a 10 year old.... like the troll on-line tonight.... do you guys agree?.
Yeah, Dawg, my 11 year old has the Witnesses all figured out. They dropped off a "Do You Want to Study the Bible" brochure, and he said, "What they really mean is do you want to study the JW Bible."
Please don't insult the children any more.
Avoiding an Elder
by R.F. ini'm almost six months past walking away from the religion, and one of the elders has risen and thrown a monkey wrench into my entire plan.
things have been great actually.
since i've managed to shed myself of congregation responsiblities, the elders have gotten off my back quite a bit.
Hey RF:
This doesn't sound too good. Would you consider just sharing the truth about their cult with them and let the cards fall where they may? No deception or avoidance needed, but maybe you aren't ready to live with those consequences. Please keep me posted on what happens with this situation.
In the meantime, I found a dog for you. I think that guy is holding a "Shepherding the Flock" Manual...
Or maybe you'd prefer a more loving approach:
This sign
or this one:
I just received a LOVELy letter from Trevor
by mouthy inin answer to the one i sent him..i had sent him some christian tracts .which he admits he has little use for spiritual things ( which i can understand bless him) but he did say he wouldnt throw them away one day maybe!!!.
he said that he agreed with me that an apology is truly in order ,& wanted to take this time & the opportunity to offer an unreserved apology for his conduct on jwd,of which he is both ashamed & embarrassed to everyone there /\....he also added he wished you all a very happy christmas.. .
he added that he has not been on jwd since ....thought i would let you all know.. so any who do pray .
Grace, you are such a sweetheart!
Sending him tracts was very kind of you, and I pray that he will read them one day and find the love and forgiveness that Jesus Christ has given you and me.
by zamora251978 inhey guys just an update.
she e-mailed me and said i only had permission to her ceremony.
i did not get an invite.
I like OTWO's comments--I think they show the truth that these are cult members who would hopefully act differently were they not trying to obey a bunch of man made religious rules.
Of course, some people act horribly, regardless, but who is to know if this is the case until they are freed from the cult? I love 1 Corinthians 13's description of love. If we applied this to our lives more, we'd all be better off. Watch out for bitterness, because it can eat you up inside. However, there is nothing wrong with telling your sister the truth in love. We all need people to be honest with us and tell us where we have gone wrong. (Or at least, I seem to need it fairly often).
Church buys minister a Rolls Royce
by Burger Time inthis was great.
especially the quote, "without a doubt, my life is not average," he said.
"but i'd like to say, just because it is excessive doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.".
These people are so out of touch with biblical Christianity that it sickens makes me think of Jesus's statement in Revelation that he would spew them out of his mouth for being lukewarm. Or maybe they will be those to whom he will say , "I never knew you".
"My lifestyle does not come out of the church's bank account," he said.