All the best, and remember to stay out of the KH! They will sniff you out as an apostate from miles away....
JoinedPosts by truthsearcher
goodbye my friends
by bigdreaux ini will no longer be posting here.
just wanted to tell you all i love you guys.
i will be checking p.m.'s for a few more days if anyone wants my contact info.
nvrgnbk needs to get a life
by stillajwexelder innvrgnbk.
6,644greendawn2,456crumpet2,218free2think2,108minimus2,090onthewayout1,941purplesofa1,785jgnat1,7065go1,677ex-nj-jw1,668 .
hey nvrgnbk you really need to get a life man - this is six months only!!
I have to wonder about the "life" of anyone who has the time (and interest) to research and start a thread on how many posts that another person has made over 6 months. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
How about us who have read and replied to this thread?
Penny pinching hints and tips
by Junction-Guy inok, the lemonade thread has prompted me to ask does anyone else have any clever and legal ways to pinch pennies, like the guy did with the lemonade?.
any other things you have seen?
NEVER pay retail
Get acquainted with the local thrift shops
Don't eat out too much
Give up alcohol and cigarettes
The First 2007 Christmas Thread.... countdown is T-minus 119 days...
by AK - Jeff ini am starting to think about the joyous season already - i know, i know, i am way too early.
it is still summer in the northern hemisphere, school has only just gotten started, and the leaves haven't even turned yet.
still - i suppose i have catching up to do.
Hey Jeff! I just had to mention that
Seasonal Gospel Music. It comprises the largest part of my music collection. In fact - with all the talk of it - I am going to put on some right now.........There..... Gene Autry is now singing 'Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer'.
Rudolph does NOT count as seasonal gospel music lol!! Man, you exWitnesses really need a music education .
Seriously though, last Christmas I really held back on decorating out of consideration of the Witnesses that come every week for a "study". (that is what they think is happening, we on the other hand are scattering seeds as fast as we can). I did not want to do anything that would stumble them in any shape. Usually, I really enjoy decking the halls etc fa la la la la la la la la.
This year, I am not sure if they will still be coming. However, I do like to focus on the religious reason for the season. I am in charge of the Sunday School pageant every year, so I have already started thinking about that and listening to music choices. If any of you ever want to read a hilarious book, get "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" by Barbara Robinson. We read it every year and it still causes tears of mirth.
Now if we could only get some Christmas smileys on JWD, then I could decorate this post! (that is a Christmas star)
As a JW were you ever counseled about clothes you wore, or lack thereof ?
by flipper inthought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
Don't these comments just make you think about modern day Pharisees?
Finally free--I loved your comment about telling the elder to counsel you from the Bible or not at all!
Paul Blizzard endorses the Creation Museum- do you?
by moshe ini saw paul's answer to a reader's question on his watchthetower website this week:.
"we are not saved by knowledge but by simple faith in jesus christ.
when i first got saved i didnt believe in a literal hell.
Atheism is faith that there is no God
A fifth of Americans can't locate America on a map! WHY IS THAT?
by Prins Vaillant in
Okay, the mystery is solved.
No cross-threading going on here. I didn't realize that the question was asked of Miss South Carolina recently and she had a totally unintelligible answer.
What can I say? I'm CANADIAN for pete's sake, and I avoid beauty contests because I find them shallow, so shallow.
Paul Blizzard endorses the Creation Museum- do you?
by moshe ini saw paul's answer to a reader's question on his watchthetower website this week:.
"we are not saved by knowledge but by simple faith in jesus christ.
when i first got saved i didnt believe in a literal hell.
I think they jump through hoops at this museum to disprove scientific discoveries and their methodology to me, seems very much like the wording used in WT publications. It is hard to believe that all these scientists are as dumb as this museum makes them out to be. The problem for religionists is only one scientist has to be right to disprove the Bible's creation story and the Flood of Noah. This can never be admitted.
First of all Moshe, I wasn't sure from your comments, but have you visited the museum?
Secondly, if there is any wording similarities between the WT and the museum, then it is probably because the WT is a huge plagarist and has never done any original research. So I wouldn't be surprised if they took information from Answers in Genesis or Creation Ministries International and inserted them into their publications, with their own little twist on the matter, of course.
I have had several opportunities to attend scientific lectures by creation scientists--they are highly specialized in their fields, and out there doing some cutting edge research. We all have the same evidence--but we choose to interpret that evidence based on our faith--if your faith is A-Theism then you will not have the same interpretations and conclusions as those who are Theistic. If your faith is Naturalism then you will not have the same conclusions as someone who believes in the Supernatural. But believe it or not, the evidence for creation actually fits well with what is observed.
A fifth of Americans can't locate America on a map! WHY IS THAT?
by Prins Vaillant in
Oh, and I'm a little puzzled by this thread. There seem to be cross over remarks from the thread about some beauty pageant. Or is my computer demon possessed?
A fifth of Americans can't locate America on a map! WHY IS THAT?
by Prins Vaillant in
Hey sweetstuff: Glad to see you sticking up for our AGB!
Nvr, thanks for those funny maps. I laughed out loud--it did remind me of Rick Mercer's priceless work interviewing our friends in the US about our beloved country. I was a bit puzzled by Mouseheads, but Mary cleared that up for me. I loved "The Shire" for New Zealand. Now what's that bit about incest in Australia?
And the solution to this dilemna, of course, is HOMESCHOOLING! It is amazing how much more kids will learn when you make the maps out of peanut butter and icing sugar, use m and ms for markers, and then eat them up when you are done.