she has lived in aniron lung since childhood, a victim of polio. She is blind, deaf and mute and has stage IV cancer, yet she is a special pioneer. Her children are the best behaved, most well dressed of any witness children. She sews all of their clothing, being an excellent seamstress and all. They were baptized at 5 and 6 and already are regular pioneers. She has the cleanest, shiniest car on her street. Her yard is the most impressive of any yard in the neighborhood. The landscaping is superb and she does it all herself. She grows all of her own fruit and vegetables and shares her bounty with the local congo. Her house is spic and span and is decorated like a little dollhouse on a shoestring.
She is severely limited. Where did you hear this experience? I have a hard time believing this sister is capable of doing everything including being a pioneer. I am not saying that people with limited capacities are not able to do their best, but this sister is extremely sick and impaired and they are saying that she is also a pioneer. I don't believe it. How can you compete with that? You mean she is either auxiliary or regular pioneer, right? Not special pioneer, they put longer hours than auxiliary or regular.
Could you elaborate more on this experience and what assembly was this said on please.