Good thread. My opinions are as follows....
My job in part involves collecting online reviews of our business. It never ceases to amaze me how "brave" people get behind a keyboard. The reason is, there is no accountability.
For the purposes of this JW forum I think that many/most of us are developing, esp if we have just left. To a certain degree, I think some combativeness should be expected. Being willing to be wrong is a part of growing. I appreciate being able to test out different ideas here through the years. And since disagreeing wasn't allowed, I think part of the value of this forum is the ability to argue, regardless of how well one does at it.
I do thinks that there is a big difference between arguing, venting, and bullying. Bullying begins when the ability to argue a point successfully ends.
Obviously, bullying someone is very different, and I think that anytime anyone tries to prop up a weak argument by ridiculing your opponent should be given a very short leash.