Btw, I have experienced racism, big time.
When I was attacked twice in Cameroon as a JW missionary, it was because of the color of my skin. The first time because I was seen walking in FS with a teenage girl, which ticked off the crazy dude who pulled a knife on me. The 2nd time, well, I stood out like a sore thumb, and was mugged, almost killed in a taxi.
I do know what it's like to look different and be scared out of my mind. Now mind you, the people who took care of me and defended me were Cameroonians. Without their interceding, I would be dead. But I learned the hard way that racism is indeed everywhere.
Racism is bred on ignorance and fear. Some people are very proud of their ignorance, sadly enough. Without an open heart and an open mind, nothing will change. Thankfully, it seems like more and more people are doing just that. (opening up mind and heart)