There is a lot to mine from this case and disicussion, but his mugshot isn't one of them, with all respect.
JoinedPosts by AllTimeJeff
Does George Zimmerman look guilty in his new mugshot?
by Iamallcool in
he does look guilty to me.
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon ini've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and i am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.. yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth.
it especially shouldn't be posted on my forum.. such racism will not be tollerated here.. i also would like to publicly apologise to outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was.
sorry my friend - you did not deserve that and i understand completely why you have had a break from the site..
Btw, I have experienced racism, big time.
When I was attacked twice in Cameroon as a JW missionary, it was because of the color of my skin. The first time because I was seen walking in FS with a teenage girl, which ticked off the crazy dude who pulled a knife on me. The 2nd time, well, I stood out like a sore thumb, and was mugged, almost killed in a taxi.
I do know what it's like to look different and be scared out of my mind. Now mind you, the people who took care of me and defended me were Cameroonians. Without their interceding, I would be dead. But I learned the hard way that racism is indeed everywhere.
Racism is bred on ignorance and fear. Some people are very proud of their ignorance, sadly enough. Without an open heart and an open mind, nothing will change. Thankfully, it seems like more and more people are doing just that. (opening up mind and heart)
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon ini've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and i am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.. yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth.
it especially shouldn't be posted on my forum.. such racism will not be tollerated here.. i also would like to publicly apologise to outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was.
sorry my friend - you did not deserve that and i understand completely why you have had a break from the site..
FHN, good point.
Frankly, it is a stereotype attached to the south, and it is a problem everywhere.
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon ini've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and i am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.. yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth.
it especially shouldn't be posted on my forum.. such racism will not be tollerated here.. i also would like to publicly apologise to outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was.
sorry my friend - you did not deserve that and i understand completely why you have had a break from the site..
It's ok NC. Unfortunately, Trayvon Martin learned the hard way that it only takes one nut in a minority to ruin countless lives.
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon ini've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and i am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.. yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth.
it especially shouldn't be posted on my forum.. such racism will not be tollerated here.. i also would like to publicly apologise to outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was.
sorry my friend - you did not deserve that and i understand completely why you have had a break from the site..
Dear BTS,
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon ini've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and i am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.. yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth.
it especially shouldn't be posted on my forum.. such racism will not be tollerated here.. i also would like to publicly apologise to outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was.
sorry my friend - you did not deserve that and i understand completely why you have had a break from the site..
BTS, I have never called you a racist, nor do I think you are. But others who side with your political views are racist, and that is not a fact that can easily be dismissed.
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon ini've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and i am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.. yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth.
it especially shouldn't be posted on my forum.. such racism will not be tollerated here.. i also would like to publicly apologise to outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was.
sorry my friend - you did not deserve that and i understand completely why you have had a break from the site..
Just got home and am glad to read this. (for what my opinion is worth)
Many have stated this year that the new racism is to deny that there is racism in our country today. That way, the battle can be fought on flawed logic instead of what the evidence suggests.
I grew up in the deep south and esp Miami, and I am here to tell you that racial prejudice, while shrinking , is still out there big time.
I am disturbed, but not surprised, that threads on this forum regarding Obama (specifically) or Trayvon Martin (amazingly) always turn into a theatre to indulge right wing, neo-con bullcrap.
Why would I debate someone so mentally ill that they would dare presume that Obama is a Muslim? Why would I respond to someone so naive and I'll informed that they think the Martin shooting had nothing to do with racial stereotyping?
Because I can't let ignorance go unchallenged and uneducated.
Being a former JW, I can tell you that being ignorant isn't the big sin. STAYING ignorant is. With a heart full of inherited hate. That is the real battleground.
Rev Wright. off the
by tootired2care intake a look at this.
it's hard to imagine that leader of the free world; mr. obama sat and listened to this lunatics teachings for 20 years.
what trustworthy person would listen and accept this blatent nonsense for 20 years?.
Ok. I will take you at your word that you aren't prejudiced against Obama because he is black. Instead, if I understand you correctly, you are against him because you view him as Muslim, correct?
Rev Wright. off the
by tootired2care intake a look at this.
it's hard to imagine that leader of the free world; mr. obama sat and listened to this lunatics teachings for 20 years.
what trustworthy person would listen and accept this blatent nonsense for 20 years?.
I will compare this to whatever makes sense and is relevant. (or in this case, what never makes sense)
First off, there is no religious test for the presidency. Ok? Stop it.
Additionally, average people who go to church in the Catholic tradition just celebrated the resurrection of a REAL PERSON WHO DIED FOR OUR SINS AND WENT TO HEAVEN. (according to them)
Oral Roberts once said that Jesus would call him to heaven unless his followers contributed several million dollars. No one called bullshit on anyone who fell for that. Would you like a list of Republicans who slopped at the Oral Roberts trough?
I am not defending Wright. I am calling out your limited ( and borderline prejudiced) view of what shapes our current president. Like you think where a person once went to church tells of the person you can become? Bullshit. You don't know me. Or many other people. But that's ok. You're right. Where a person goes to church does tell a lot about the person. Can't wait for the first atheist president. Would that be ok with you?
Rev Wright. off the
by tootired2care intake a look at this.
it's hard to imagine that leader of the free world; mr. obama sat and listened to this lunatics teachings for 20 years.
what trustworthy person would listen and accept this blatent nonsense for 20 years?.
I wonder if any one ever gave the same amount of damn with the crap Oral Roberts said.
Get it?
Why are we so upset about the nutty black preacher, when those who regularly ingest nutty white ones, (who say the most inane bullshit), are the first to throw stones?
(biblical reference inserted on purpose)