Kudos on the therapy. That is very important.
Just read your letter and some of the responses. Definitely agree with Scully. There is nothing wrong with holding your parents accountable. I love both my parents. But my Dad is still being himself, and I while I am grateful for life and the things he provided for me, he is responsible for a very large share of the bullshit that happened to our family. Whether he likes that or not. And I am not going to pretend or be delusional just so I can have something to hang my hat on family wise, because that isn't healthy. He still lies to me and isn't a part of my life, so that's on him.
My mom left prior to her passing several years ago. We reconciled. She apologized for all of her stuff, as I did mine. To me, that is the only real way to have a good relationship.
As an aside, (and I am sure your therapist will help you here), the shame thing that permeates JW's and all relationships that flow through this fruity little cult is still a big deal, and a very underrated way to recover if you have left. If I had one piece of advice I would give to myself when I first left, it would be to deal with the shame and embarrassment that was bubbling underneath. I believe it's something all who leave this cult deal with in one form or another. And if you have been molested, then of course it's very real.
I wish you the best in your healing.