JoinedPosts by evetteto
I have some very good news...
by Abandoned in...but i can't say anything more right now.
still, it's amazingly, wonderfully, ain't the sky a gorgeous shade of blue today kind of news.
wish me luck... .
Kung Fu films
by Clam inare you into martial arts films?
at the top of my list of course is bruce lee, but i quite like some of the modern films, particularly stephen chow stuff like kung fu hustle or shaolin soccer.
i don't watch them very often but i find them slightly mesmerising, even though they are mostly ludicrously far fetched.
I am a big martial art Bruce Lee, even his son Brandon was trying to do a lil sumthin...My favs are in this order.
Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Van Damm, Jackie Chan( although his movies are very silly), Steven Segal's the man, Angela Mao, .Has anyone seen Sacred Knives of Vengeance? it is old as sin but really good. I have so many of the old movies. The guy who starred in The Transporter is good as well.
now thats my 2 cent.
Blessing the food / Saying grace
by Qcmbr indo jws say grace and if so what sort of things do they say?
we had quite an open discussion on this topic at church today and we looked at the issue of what i suspect (but may be wrong in) is an lds cultural strangeness.
here is the body of typical lds grace to explain: .
Interestingly so, it may just be something started...however shouldnt we be grateful for all that God has given us? 1Thes 5:18, Paul admonishes us " In everything give thanks...I believe that would include a meal, IMHO.
funny.....had to share it...
by found-my-way ina blonde man showed up at work one day with a black eye.
>>co-workers saw him they asked him what had happened.
he told them .
Yes, that was very funny!!!
The Supernatural and JW's
by winnie incan anyone explain why jehovahs witnesses are not allowed to watch anything supernatural?.
I get so much info from this forum...I'm just amazed....but its all an affirmation that God has his hand on my husband's life....He's been studying and fellowshipping with the 4 the past 8-10 yrs but not baptised. He's always watching the Sci-fi channel and demonic movies and action packed movies. I felt that it is sonething the wtbs wldnt approve.
Storys about demons and how they react to JWs - What do You think?
by Marcel ini dont believe much of the societys teachings anymore.
but theres one thing that i carried with me all my life:
when everything is false, what is about those stories about demons, seances and all that stuff that is out in the world?
satan has power over this earth it was given to him. However Jesus said greater is He that is in You, then he that is in the world. The demons tremble at the mention of His Name...Jesus!!! The only way to the Father is through the Son....Jesus!!
satan doesnt have to go after someone who is already on his team.
We were made to fellowship and worship God, if we're not worshipping him we are worshipping something.
Have you made a choice today...For today is the Day of Salvation!!
Identifying Apostates
by stillajwexelder injust thought you all would like to know, the number 4 talk tonight on the theocratic ministry school is "identifying apostates" material from the reasoning book -just come onto jwd i say
Funny I would come on tonite and see this thread....My husband called me an apostate tonite, btw I'm NOT or will Never be part of that org.
So sad the song!!
Talk on Apostates
by IslandBrother inhave you ever walked on the beach and tried following another persons footprints; matching your own steps with them as exactly as possible?
by calling ourselves christians, we have indicated our desire to do just that, to follow closely in the footsteps of christ.
have you ever noticed though that on a crowded beach, , there were several sets of footprints, many of them may look alike.
Avid and Mary you really give him a dose of medicine, which I always look forward to reading your replies....what happened to Blondie?
Very good job all....give him sumthing th think about.
Question for Elders or Ex-Elders re: Marriage
by mya ini was what you call "born into the truth.
i'm not practicing the religion now and i was never baptized.
my fiance is baptist, we care having his pastor whom i very much like marry us.
TO ATTEND OR NOT TO ATTEND? WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? This Borg is so darn confusing, that they dont know their ass from a hole in the ground!!!
Mya, I hope and Pray all goes well with the wedding, and if your parents do not attend, that God will continually impress upon their heart the mistake they have made that DID NOT HONOR HIM!!!!!
Bless You and Your Fiance,with many years as one love and 10 children, 35 grandchildren..75 greats, 2 dogs, 4 cats and above all Love to Endure the Hardships of this world.
My Bethel Experience Part 17
by new boy inmore "odds and ends".
i liked lyman swingle (governing body member)......he knew when to curse at the right time.
i think, thats why i went to him, when i was having so much trouble with debbie's parents.......he seemed "cool" and down to earth.............he might have been bit of a racist though.. one time a self righteous (known as sr) new boy, went to him and complained about what he heard in the bindery..........."brother swingle" the kid said "i heard some brothers cursing, in the bindery!
Hi New Boy, did you happen to know a gentleman name Gary Pearce?