God, I am so envious of you, Chariklo! I wish I was in the position to say "thanks but no thanks" before feeling vicitmised. Once you emerge from that baptism pool, they will have you by the proverbials. The thing is, if you stay unbaptised, you can have as much of the nice (albeit conditional) association as you want, if that's why you're comfortable with organized religion. But once you're baptised, they literally own you. And I don't use the word 'literally' often. You are answerable not to God, but the elders. They will want to know about every hour you do in field service. They will want to know why you didn't attend a meeting. God HELP you if you have sexual thoughts outside of marriage and/or act on them. They will get off on the intricate details of all your failings and decide THEMSELVES if you are fit for God's forgiveness.
I struggle sometimes with my beliefs. I certainly believe we are far too intelligent, complicated and fascinating as humans simply to have evolved. But I won't have some men in America tell me who I can love, what I put into my body, and how I spend my time. You will be policed. And the thing is, you can leave now and people in the congregation will see you in a whimsical, dreamy "what could have been" way, and they will still talk to you and encourage you back, or you can get baptised, and let the doubt eat at you, then eventually leave, and watch their wrath.
You are intelligent and independant, and because of that, we cannot make up your mind for you. We cannot accuse the society of telling people what to do, and then instruct you to leave the Witnesses. Just get all the facts, before you're not allowed to. Once again, that baptism will change your life. It won't be your life anymore. It won't be Jehovah's, like they say it will. IT WILL BELONG TO THE ELDERS.