Topics Started by THP
Medical Marijuana
by Jigrigger in.
does anyone know the society's view on the medical use of marijuana, or if they even have a policy regarding this?.
How to See, Hear and Know God...
by AGuest inthus, when you see the consonants yhwh, it is in truth jhwh or jhvh and is pronouced yah-veh (hebrews pronounce js like ys and ws, like vs. my fathers name, then, is jah (jah) of armies (veh), jah, who brings armies into existence, or jah, who cause armies to become.. .
it is not, dear ones.
matthew 7:1; luke 6:37. in this light, gods laws are not burdensome!
I. P. Freeley.
by Englishman inremember when we were kid's at school, how we used to love to make up book titles with fictitious authors to match?.
this sort of thing:.
"the dangerous cliff" by eileen dover.. "the un-answered telephone" by isabelle ringing.. "bare-back horse riding" by major bumsaw.. the fad faded for a while only to surface in a re-generated form for "the simpsons".