Hello everyone! I'm new here, and have read a lot of topics here. This site has been very helpful to me in the short time I have been here.
What has drawn me here is the fact that I have been dating an active JW guy for about 9 months now (I was raised Catholic, but am currently searching for a faith that I feel is right..I have yet to find it). We are very much in love, but our differences in beliefs have caused a lot of problems. When we first started dating, he quickly introduced me to his friends mother who started a bible study with me. Before I started going to her, he told me not to mention to anyone that he and I were dating. I found this kind of strange since I have never had this issue in a relationship before. Looking back, I realized one of the reasons he set me up with a study so quick was so that when his friends asked who I was, he could quickly say, "I'm studying" (aka: I'm okay to hangout with).
As time went on, I noticed a lot of quirky things happening. Such as, my bible study 'teacher' becomming upset that my boyfriend and I arrived in the same car to her home (Note: she still did not know we were dating), when her son was hosting a 'Witness' party. She became upset, and she ended up driving me home, and not allowing my boyfriend to do so. On the ride home she said, "So you know why I'm driving you home right?" I wanted to say, "No, actually I don't, as I am a very open minded adult who can maturely have my BOYFRIEND drive me home"...but instead I just said "Yes." My boyfriend was upset, as I have noticed he is much more open minded than many of the older JW's. This incident was one of many of the quirky/old-fashioned events I have noticed.
My boyfriend has basically told me (in a nice way, however), that the only way we can remain together in the future, is if I eventually convert to his faith. This tears me apart, as we are very much in love, and I don't seem to be the top priority in his life, as he is in mine. I realize it has been drilled into his head that Jehovah is the priority in his life.
I have decided to write him a final letter, explaining my issues with his faith. He can keep me, or leave me, but I can't keep feeling like I'm in limbo about our relationship. It's going to tear me apart if we break up, but I guess it will be better in the end. And sadly, I know in my heart, he will never leave the religion.
What I am looking for on this board is everyones knowledge! I need a little help with certain topics I have chosen to write to him about. I am interested in finding scholarly evidence (or lack thereof) on the 1914 date of Christ's 'invisible' return, the 144,000, their false prophecies (and how the Bible says to ignore religions who promote they have the truth, but then give false prophecies), the 607 BC date, and how the writers of the NWT only barel knew basic hebrew. I am doing research of my own as well, but any information would be very very very greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much!