As far as I can tell, pot is a lot like alcohol - only without the bad side affects (belligerents, nausea, vomiting, hangover). [Ahem] of course I wouldn't know that from *personal* experience.
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feds bust s.f.
by margie mason.
As far as I can tell, pot is a lot like alcohol - only without the bad side affects (belligerents, nausea, vomiting, hangover). [Ahem] of course I wouldn't know that from *personal* experience.
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an irishman walks into a bar in dublin, orders three pints of .
guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out .
he orders three pints and drinks from each .
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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where do you go to meet a good man?
don't want to go to a bar, where all the men are drunks.
don't want to date anyone i work with anymore, it's too awkward.
[Thud] (Sound of me fainting)
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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where do you go to meet a good man?
don't want to go to a bar, where all the men are drunks.
don't want to date anyone i work with anymore, it's too awkward.
I think eye contact is the best with an inviting smile
Simon is right, we can't resist that... Try it while shopping, at the gas pump, eating at a cafe', when you show up at my front door. ;)
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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my name is andy pesante, i'm 22 years old, and my father is an elder of a congregation in philadelphia.
we started going to meetings when i was 12. living in a crappy big city like philly can really close your eyes to the real issues surrounding our society.....after all why would you even care when everyone regards each other with a glare right?
i met my wife (who also grew up a witness) over the internet, and we eventually eloped together 3 years ago.
U.S. government is an evil conglomerate of white males who run this country like a legalized mafia of sorts: they receive a large percentage of everything from businesses to items which are essentially free : land, food, housing etc. in return for military "protection"
What? You didn't know this?
That is what ALL governments are... Military and police protection with the goal of creating a stable environment.
Look at land ownership... do you seriously think that a person can "own" land? Hell, it’s just a fenced off section of the earth. The only reason people think of it as "yours" is because the police and military are willing to step in and protect your piece of paper that’s says "Deed" on it - all for the sake of maintaining stability in the populous. If it wasn’t for the “legalized mafia” protecting your piece of paper, you would have to stand guard with a shotgun to keep others from claiming your land.
Taxes? Hell, that’s just “protection” money used to create more stability by enforcing the words written in a book called “the law”.
We have a simple choice in this matter… either subject ourselves to the laws and leadership that we have created (Yes, “We the People” created it), or deal with anarchy.
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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i can remember going on at least 3 tours.and then going to a bethelite room,everyone would feel so important when they were invited .sisters especially would turn cartwheels when invited to a bethel room,i guess in the hopes that the bethelite was interested in romance.20 people jammed into 10 ft by 10ft room sharing 2 pizzas.the last time i was there a friend said to me with a laugh i cant believe we help pay their ahh the memories
I remember when I was a kid I went on a tour of the Columbia Heights complexes. One thing that stands out in my mind was when the tour guide jokingly said that nothing was wasted, not even dead bethelites - they were turned into glue for the literature. [8>]
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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i just happened to glance a the date as i was posting 2-13-02. one day before valentines day.
i realized that i don't have a valentine.
i subscribe to the idea that it is better to be alone and wish you were with someone than be with someone and wish you were alone.
SWM-29 180lb, 5'11" (Stud muffin)
There has got to be at least one lovely lady available in the Dallas area...
I cook and have a toasty warm fireplace! Perhaps a night out? Hell, I’ll even throw in some flowers!
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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i like the jimi hendrix 'freedom', i blast that frequently.. any songs that speak to your sense of freedom, now?.
Billy Joel - My Life
Got a call from an old friend, we used to be real close, said he couldn't go on the American way.
Closed the shop, sold the house, bought a ticket to the West Coast,
now he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A.
I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm all right,
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home.
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life,
go ahead with your own life, and leave me alone.
I never said you had to offer me a second chance, I never said I was a victim of circumstance.
I still belong, don't get me wrong and you can speak your mind but not on my time.
They will tell you you can't sleep alone in a strange place,
then they'll tell you you can't sleep with somebody else.
Oh, But sooner or later you sleep in your own space.
Either way, it's okay to wake up with yourself.
I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm all right,
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home.
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life,
go ahead with your own life, and leave me alone.
I never said you had to offer me a second chance, I never said I was a victim of circumstance.
I still belong, don't get me wrong and you can speak your mind but not on my time.
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life,
go ahead with your own life, and leave me alone.
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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i am posting this per lydia's request....i found it on the wtbts web site.
it is from the september 15, 1998 watchtower.
rather than post the whole thing, which is pages long, here is the url;.
Brings new meaning to the phrase "Pimp Daddy"!!!
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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what is your fantasy for the perfect date, whether you be married, or single.... who.
What day is Valentines Day on anyway? As a loyal dub I never learned the dates of holidays - nor did I ever enjoy a Valentines Day with a special someone.
If you're wondering, yes that was a pathetic attempt to attract a female...
Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
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