I get a ton of heat for my opinion on this but here we go again.
I support laws for the reduction and polution. I think it is a good goal to aspire to.
I am not convinced that we as a species should take action to adjust the climate artificially due to a highly political subject. The more political money you throw at the scientific community for the sake of politics, only muddies the result.
Right now we are convinced that we are heating up the earth and there are talks on how to cool it down. Given that the earth has been around for MILLIONS of years before us, I think it is irrational we should do anything ON PURPOSE to alter it's climate based on the findings of a mere century.
That comment usually gets change advocates to toss me into the "deniers' camp.
I don't think we don't have an impact on the climate, but I am for more of reduction of our footprint over the politically charge discussion of making infrastructure changes aimed at cooling the planet.
If you give a pack of scientists a stack of money and tell them to prove climate change, they will come back with very convincing charts and data supporting it. If you give the same scientists a stack of money and tell them to prove the opposite, they will come back with the opposite data.
It needs to be less political and more about facts since we are talking about a potentially irreversable change that may affect our survival as a species.
It can only be less political when the left and the right stop thowing money around to prove their slant of the facts.