To the OP,
A professor explained your exact question by the use of bacteria. Not a perfect example, but should help you understand the issue.
i know anyone who believes in evolution is going to say that there is no 'if' about it.
however.... if man evolved over hundreds of thousands of years ago, why were there only about 200-300 million people alive 2,000 years ago?
surely there'd have been many billions by then?.
To the OP,
A professor explained your exact question by the use of bacteria. Not a perfect example, but should help you understand the issue.
Wow, they actually blocked you for asking about https?
I appreciate your being concerned about having a secure connection. I can see to a non-technical person that they wouldn't see the severity of the request and be dismissive.
But to then turn around and block someone from the site is a step over the line.
how would our world today be different if the males.
became pregnant.
let's suppose the creator (who ever.
Without an alteration of the male sex drive, I completely disagree that there would be less population.
Take a look at any dating site, it is 98% male.
Tons of guys looking to get laid and THEY are the ones getting pregnant? The earth would have already hit 100 billion.
Unless you were serious about our bodies not changing. Then with no place for the baby to exit, it would gestate until it ruptured out through our skin.
Once you start making allowances for childbirth, changes to men's bodies, hormones, egg cycles you end up changing men into women and women into men and you end up exactly where we are today.
quote from this week's congregation bible study.
ch.8, para 15, 16.. .
one sister opened her heart this way: "i've since left the world and do not desire to go back.
Ha! In 6 months they will have an article warning single brothers and sisters to be wary of accepting invites from married couples that would lead to "defiling the marriage bed".
so does this mean aawa is going to stop shunning?
are they themselves not guilty of shunning those who shun?
shunning can never be stopped no matter how bad you want it to.
We do not have any radical elements of the Anti-JW side since Kool-Aid man made peace with the Organization!
Wait, when did this happen?
background: my wife and i are inactive, we stopped attending in 2005. raised as jws, were pioneers, i was elder etc... .
our kids are in college, also inactive but are baptised.
my wife went back to college, getting her degree this month at age 48!
Dear Mom,
Thank you for removing me from your 50th Anniversary party. Celebrating wedding anniversaries has pagan roots and brings undue attention to one's self rather then give glory to Jehovah.
I could not in good conscience attend it.
I am, however praying for you and hope that you grow spiritually.
so does this mean aawa is going to stop shunning?
are they themselves not guilty of shunning those who shun?
shunning can never be stopped no matter how bad you want it to.
I haven't seen the video yet, and I'm not in a hurry to watch it. I also sincerely hope that Marvin isn't part of AAWA's PR team.
The thread started out with someone picking the video apart due to frustration with AAWA and received mixed responses. Many that don't like AAWA's recent handling spoke out in support of the video being good.
Then Marvin comes in and rather than lending his voice to those supporting the video and effort, chooses a negative reply and launches into a 4 page offensive of he said/she said.
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
i want to start by saying i will not participate in discussion here about my resignation as a moderator at jwn.. simon please consider this as my resignation from that position.. i have been posting on this board for almost 12 years.
i know some of you a lot, others a little and some not very well at all.
i have remained here for those of you who have needed support as you make the transition out of the wts, who needed someone to listen to your experiences of abuse at the hands of jehovah's witnesses, and to both laugh and cry with you as you progress out of the watchtower society.. we know that we have all experienced the cruelty of abuse of one kind or another.
Passive aggressive undertones aside, I don't quite understand this departure.
JWN provides a unique platform to interact with a large ex-Witness community. Many of the posters here stated that they are thankful for your insight and comments over the past 12 years.
The tone of your post is that you can no longer oppose the Watchtower while posting here. I just don't see it. If this was such an ineffective area, there wouldn't be 6 pages of people thanking you.
I wish you the best, but I don't think you yet grasp what you have given up.
uncensored discussions and information for anyone interested in the advocates for awareness of watchtower abuses or 'aawa' (previously known as "the association of anti-watchtower activists and how it's handled and responded to privacy issues and put people at risk:.
aawa is here!!
(the association of anti-watchtower activists)an invitation to a new effort- aawawhy when i logged onto aawa did it go to facebook ?in regards to aawaaawa - every generation needs a new revolution - thomas jeffersonnotice how the introduction of the aawa has brought out the loonies lately?will aawa become another cult?
Their paypal donations still go to The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists
okay we've all beat our chest, lamented and throttled the dead horse of aawa.. time to move on!.
i suggest those of us on j-w.n who care about creating something the right way take the trouble to get the framework going.. let's do the grunt work and get the nattering, debates, naming and organizing already pre-approved so that "others" who have the talent, ability, motivation and resources can move in and turn the key!.
because it was not done before.. there is more wisdom on this discussion board in our vast numbers than there could possibly be in a virtual boardroom with 8 people brain-storming.. that isn't an insult--it is just a statistical fact!.
I quite agree with this and it could become reality.
Right now there are thousands of Witnesses struggling against the Watchtower in thousands of different ways.
The impact is minimal.
If a group could be set up that reflected what ex-Witnesses actually need to recover and scale to their own level of involvement.
Rather than requesting for donations to the organization, specific fundraising drives could be set up for specific goals through online programs such as kickstarter or indiegogo.
Imagine a real legal formletter that Witnesses could download to avoid attending a Judicial Committee. I would donate to support such an effort.
What about feedback from those that protested assemblies and memorials (not my personal cup of tea) what if successful messages were shared and standardized so that every Witness saw the same signs across the nation?
A listing of doctors and psychiatrists that are familiar with cult abuse and recovery.
Letter writing campaigns to local political representatives highlighting coverups and abuse.
The potential is there to provide actual support to those suffering as well as those who wish to raise awareness in an organized fashion.