I bought this book, all the recipes are extremely simple and teach you the basics of cooking.
The Bachelor's Guide: To Ward Off Starvation
I was the only one of my roommates that didn't eat frozen TV dinners or fast food every night.
i'm male, in my early twenties, and i don't know how to cook.
if one day i blow my cover i will have to move out and fend for myself.
my question is what frozen meals or quick fix meals do you recommend for a single guy?
I bought this book, all the recipes are extremely simple and teach you the basics of cooking.
I was the only one of my roommates that didn't eat frozen TV dinners or fast food every night.
but they sure can avoid getting bored to death by it.. i was going through some old memory boxes i found this:.
i picked it up while i was still considered a good witness and knew enough to hang onto it.
later when i was trying to fade, i would show up a bit late to the convention and pin this on.. it's amazing what you can get away with having one of these pinned to your suit.. i would show up at lunch, say hello to the people in my congregation and they always asked where i was sitting.
For fun, I took a look on ebay.
Mine isn't as old as the ones there, but who would honestly spend $100-199 on a crappy JW assembly ribbon?!?
but they sure can avoid getting bored to death by it.. i was going through some old memory boxes i found this:.
i picked it up while i was still considered a good witness and knew enough to hang onto it.
later when i was trying to fade, i would show up a bit late to the convention and pin this on.. it's amazing what you can get away with having one of these pinned to your suit.. i would show up at lunch, say hello to the people in my congregation and they always asked where i was sitting.
That's too bad that they got rid of the ribbons.
When I got this badge I was in charge of a section. I put my case and books on an isle seat and then went roaming. When I came back to my seat (late for the morning session) I found that a JW family removed my case and books and moved them in so they could have the isle.
That was a new one for me, I don't think I would be balsy enough to just move someone's seat. I thought about using my amazing Jehovah ribbon powers to make them move, but I was planning on taking off after the last count was done and didn't want to be remembered.
At our assembly we didn't count the people, but we had to report in how many empty seats and they had a number for each section. That made it really easy. I just go back and make up a number.
but they sure can avoid getting bored to death by it.. i was going through some old memory boxes i found this:.
i picked it up while i was still considered a good witness and knew enough to hang onto it.
later when i was trying to fade, i would show up a bit late to the convention and pin this on.. it's amazing what you can get away with having one of these pinned to your suit.. i would show up at lunch, say hello to the people in my congregation and they always asked where i was sitting.
My wife had the suggestion to get a makeshift donation box that she can sit next to in a cheap fold out chair and look bored. Witnesses wouldn't know what to make of it.
but they sure can avoid getting bored to death by it.. i was going through some old memory boxes i found this:.
i picked it up while i was still considered a good witness and knew enough to hang onto it.
later when i was trying to fade, i would show up a bit late to the convention and pin this on.. it's amazing what you can get away with having one of these pinned to your suit.. i would show up at lunch, say hello to the people in my congregation and they always asked where i was sitting.
But they sure can avoid getting bored to death by it.
I was going through some old memory boxes I found this:
I picked it up while I was still considered a good Witness and knew enough to hang onto it. Later when I was trying to fade, I would show up a bit late to the convention and pin this on.
It's amazing what you can get away with having one of these pinned to your suit.
I would show up at lunch, say hello to the people in my congregation and they always asked where I was sitting. You know, to be nosey.
"Oh I'm over in section X but it's just my case, I'm on security detail for the parking lot so I only get to hear the session."
After that I would go sit in Section X for the first part, so all the congregation busy bodies would see me there, then I would get up and leave out the back. They started putting attendants on the doors after the sessions started but most often they didn't question someone with a blue ribbon exiting.
I got a few raised eyebrows from elders who knew I shouldn't have been given one, but never had anyone question why. In fact I hadn't even signed it.
Ah good memories. Are the ribbons still blue? I should put on a suit print off the recent badge and wear it while protesting. That would throw the witnesses for a major loop.
Got it?
You had made the point before, that's why I included it.
After discovering this person was no threat, what would serve the public good more, moving the speed trap to another location, or arresting a peaceful citizen on a misdemeanor charge that usually would be at worst, a ticket.
What about Natalie Plummer was so bad that they automatically went for the most severe punishment? If you want to assert that the officers do a public good with speed traps by identifying dangerous offenders, then I think it is a valid counter point that rather than continue in this important work, that they instead wasted an afternoon on arresting someone on about the the most minor charge in the book tying up two officers and a police car.
While the calls are coming in to 911, these two would be at the station booking someone who ALLEGEDLY put a foot on the road.
I understand the point you are trying to make, but these two officers retaliated against a citizen they swore an oath to serve and protect because they were mad that she was impacting their ticket quota. Abuses of justice should be punished, not celebrated.
Was the image embedded in the message or did it need to download it from an external server?
If external, than the server would get the IP address of the machine requesting the image. That could then be used to probe for security vulnerabilities.
It may be a phishing attempt by Anonymous to crack into the society.
now on the alameda county superior court website.
guess who's going to win this one..
I love seeing the Watchtower and Awake articles entered into evidence against themselves.
I also liked seeing them claim the jury was prejudiced against them when Mr. Simmons points out that they were part of the jury selection process and at no time during the trial did they raise question to the attitude or behavior of the jury.
I'm enjoying this! This is the best thing I've read in weeks!
there are a great many people - and internet sites- that preach a sort of 2012/ufo gospel.
while they may contradict one another, they mostly teach that ufo's will intervene and save us, especially if governments admit that they exist.. yeah, ok..... been there, heard that..... but could there be a core of truth to this idea?.
what would happen if the world acknowledged that et's exist?.
If there was disclosure of alien species in contact with us and that could be proven, I would suspect that new religions would pop up worshiping these aliens in hope that they had the technology to save them from death.
The current generation would likely declare it a trick from Satan and cling to their religions, though diest religion would slowly fade out over a few centuries.
There would still be greed and cultural differences but the world would be safer.
That said, I believe there is plenty of intelligent life in the universe just given the math of how large it is. But given our current understanding of physics, I would be very surprised if we would be located and contacted by other life unless they have the technology to break physics as we understand it.
However, I understand that Court documents indicates Plummer was cited with a misdemeanor, being charged for "...walking in the roadway where there is a sidewalk present....in the roadway...[thus] ...a danger to herself and others [and] "..an arrestable offense.". For being combative and resisting arrest
Assuming this is a legitimate charge, how many people do you know that get ARRESTED for walking on the road?
While this officer was arresting someone for WALKING he could have been catching people that had a broken tail-light, it might have been the next Ted Bundy. With all the gangs, drug addicts, murderers and rapists around, do you feel taking the time to arrest, drag someone down to the police station, process and hold them for 12 hours was the optimal use of the Officer's time?
Do you feel safer knowing that somewhere there is a cop that is keeping you safe by locking up people who may walk on the road WHILE THERE IS A SIDEWALK PRESENT!!!
Did this person even have a criminal record? Why was he trying to ARREST someone for walking on the road? Nothing to do with petty revenge for someone ruining his cash stop I bet.