Emilyblue--------- Your letter could have been written by me nearly twenty years ago...except you have a much better grasp of some of the red flags than I could ever envision at that time! Honey, it DOES NOT GET BETTER!!!!! I cannot emphasis enough: Run for your life!!!
I didn't...and have one h*** of a sorrowful tale to tell as a result. One thing that stands out all by itself, even without the particular religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in the picture: He says his first two marriages failed because his first two wives refused to submit to his headship. THAT is a H - U - G - E red flag signalling ABUSER, period!!!
Never mind the concept of high mind control group---you will be entering a high mind control MARRIAGE if you yoke yourself to this guy.............and he will always back up his unsound, unbalanced, unloving, and uninsightful expectations and viewpoints using the teachings of that high mind control group. [And believe me--push come to shove--they WILL support the man's right to headship above all else in that religion, including above the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual welfare of the woman in the relationship....]
You will ALWAYS be expected to i-g-n-o-r-e what your heart and gut are telling you is in your own best interests, what is to your own good, and will be told that your own judgment and preferences regarding yourSELF is really your heart being 'treacherous,' and to not 'lean upon your own understanding.'
GIRL, I cannot emphasize enough....DON'T DO IT!!! Don't sign your mind/ life/ body over to this guy and to the ever-demanding, ever-demoralizing book publishing company he lives in guilty slavish service to...!! You DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER>>>>>>>>>>>>
I am sending you a private message. We can talk however in depth about these things that you want to. Please...for your own sake...steer clear............ I wish I had had a forum like this and someone knowledgable to warn me at that critical time in my life....